Les plus visionnés genres / types / origines

  • Drame
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  • Horreur
  • Animation

Critiques (10 850)


Human Beings (2012) 

anglais This is about what can happen sometimes when you overdo the celebrations and you're still young. It's somewhat absurd, at times almost surreal, and it isn't particularly packed with plot. Simply put, it's a film about waking up from a haze and realizing that what preceded it was quite crazy. There are plenty of similar films, and this one is tuned to a dramatic tone. Surprisingly.


For the Remainder (2011) 

anglais No, this won't knock me off my feet, because I don't really like the animation itself. Yes, the graphics are interesting, no doubt about that, but when it doesn't grab you, what can you do about it? The emotions remained hidden for me and that's all.


Citizen Kane (1941) 

anglais One of the most acclaimed films, which I personally wouldn't place on the pedestal of the absolute best, but it must be acknowledged that Orson Welles and the screenwriter did an incredible job. Every scene is perfectly crafted, and so is the film as a whole. Moreover, Welles was a great actor, which he demonstrates here in various emotional dimensions, as well as at different ages. A captivating film, but don't expect something that will completely change your life.


Solaris (1972) 

anglais It’s similarly difficult to grasp as 2001: A Space Odyssey, but equally strong in its interpretative depth, perhaps even stronger. Tarkovsky's film doesn't rely on visual spectacle; instead, the Russian creator opts for philosophical sci-fi where everything unfolds primarily through dialogue and memories rather than necessarily through visuals. There are scenes inside ships, but they are very limited. This is how sci-fi can be filmed, mainly because the narrative is equally strong.


Silent Running (1972) 

anglais It might seem like a rather boring film because there isn't much happening here that would be a bit faster-paced. On the other hand, it's important to realize that this film certainly has something to say, and it stars the great Bruce Dern, who demonstrates his mastery. What will enchant you, though, is the captivating effects and well-conceived technology, which are simply outstanding for 1972. It's not 2001: A Space Odyssey, but it will still dazzle in that regard.


Axeman at Cutter's Creek (2013) 

anglais Axeman at Cutter's Creek is a horror film that easily blends in because with the sheer volume of productions out there, it doesn't stand a chance to succeed in any way. It's a standard slasher film, rushed through with a simple campfire story, and then it's just about as much killing as possible. The more the bland characters die, the better, clearly. But not for the viewer who has to endure this.


Solipsist (2012) 

anglais A visually captivating film that offers something extra precisely due to its conception and unique ideas. You will se images you have never seen anywhere else. It may seem like a lot, but in the end, it turns out it's actually not much at all. A somewhat interesting watch, but you probably won't be completely blown away by it.


Mines de rien (1940) 

anglais I definitely liked It's a Gift more, but Fields deserves recognition for being simply the right kind of madman and willing to do anything for entertainment. His situational and verbal humor are simply excellent, and at times he will impress you with what he has to say, especially with the expression on his face. It's definitely not entertainment for everyone, but once this chubby guy grabs your attention, he won't let go.


Ruin (2011) 

anglais An incredibly pumped-up film, where it's not even about what it actually tells, but primarily about the fact that it is properly pumped-up. There is excellent camera work here, and all of it in 3D animation, which is incredibly detailed and simply fantastic. A wonderful example of how, when it wants to, 3D can look truly great.


Electroshock (2011) (film étudiant) 

anglais It looks like a movie about a superhero, which could have something in common with "The Incredibles", which is actually true because even in this case it's about relationships. It is presented interestingly, with humor, and sometimes this 3D animation is really beneficial. The finale is entertaining.