Les plus visionnés genres / types / origines

  • Drame
  • Comédie
  • Action
  • Horreur
  • Animation

Critiques (10 817)


Les Hauts de Hurlevent (1939) 

anglais Gorgeous adaptation of a beautiful story dominated by excellent performances in the leading role by Laurence Olivier, who already at a relatively young age proves himself as a mature actor perfectly equipped for these character roles. Seeing him on stage must have been captivating, but even in the film, it's fantastic. Thank goodness the films are preserved.


The Eagleman Stag (2010) 

anglais Some ways to prolong life longer than normal may not be completely the best, but this one is at least a bit original. It is an interesting way, moreover presented quite humorously, and maybe some message can be found there as well. Overall, just a nice film.


Tekken (2010) 

anglais A few nice fights, that's pretty much all this movie has to offer. It's all kind of over-the-top, but in the end, it's not really worth it. The screenplay absolutely fails to captivate and the main hero is always essentially defeated, only to suddenly find enough strength to win anyway. I haven't played the game and this certainly isn't a reason to start.


La Règle du jeu (1939) 

anglais A beautiful, satirical comedy that knows exactly when to strike. Jean Renoir was such a brilliant filmmaker that he managed to keep control over this and presents us with high society and all its character traits, which deserve criticism. Renoir could have been even more striking, even more cruel, but this performance is enough.


The Division of Gravity (2011) 

anglais Nice, but about nothing. Such a relationship that looks beautiful at the beginning, ends up being meaningless, in short. It's like being nice emotionally, the actors are quite believable, but this is something that pretty much anyone can imagine. I don't see any added value in it.


Smáfuglar (2008) 

anglais A powerful film about how adolescence can sometimes be far from beautiful. Sometimes there is a turning point where it becomes even less pleasant. This film is quite tough, even though it doesn't actually show anything tough. It's like a rough hallucination, where upon waking up, you realize that you are no longer the person you once were, but what is worse, you actually enjoy it.


Ninotchka (1939) 

anglais Greta Garbo is beautiful and entertaining, which might not have been expected from her. As a Russian, she is simply amazing, but it is also given by the story, which is actually a romantic spark between two people who have completely different views. But love is simply unpredictable. It works among the selected actors, plus there are intrigues that add spice to it. Entertaining dramatic romance.


A Brief History of John Baldessari (2012) 

anglais Interesting person, interesting story, and there is an interesting documentary made about him. The style is absolutely brilliant, creative, with a combination of video, animation, and photography, along with Tom Waits' voice. Short, concise, impactful, and revealing. What more could you ask for?


Homophobia (2012) 

anglais The topic is good, the beginning looks quite interesting, it could potentially be surprisingly harsh, but instead the authors decided to take an emotional path and play on how a young person in love, who has problems with their orientation, feels when they are alone with that person. Somehow it seemed to me to have fizzled out and lost its way.


Tell (2012) 

anglais This is a really bad evening. The main hero has a hammer in his hand, then a knife, and the doors won't budge for him. It sounds quite comical, or rather, it could be made into a comedy horror film, but "Tell" tries the opposite and focuses on a heavy atmosphere that hits you after just a few seconds, maximum minutes of watching. Good, but not exceptional.