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  • Animation

Critiques (10 821)


Luminaris (2011) 

anglais Stop motion animation with live actors has something special and creates an interesting impression. In addition, it includes a beautifully absurd story that simply must enchant you. And if not, then this film just won't entertain you. I thoroughly enjoyed this magical animation and its magical plot. Some ideas are truly unbelievable, and I almost envy the creators.


Dance, Girl, Dance (1940) 

anglais It is not as exceptional of a film as the authors of the book "1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die" try to claim, but there is still a good idea and there are great characters, especially the female ones, of course. This is the element that makes the film interesting and it reaches its highest points with the final scenes, unfortunately. However, this probably won't become your favorite.


E.T. L'extra-terrestre (1982) 

anglais But yeah, as a family movie, there's not much to criticize about it, plus Spielberg has a knack for truly epic and memorable scenes. There are several of them right here. He also has a knack for the right actors. But I simply never got into "E.T. - The Extra-Terrestrial" and that hasn't changed at all even now. It's nice, but it just doesn't touch me. Maybe it's too cliché.


Mr. Foley (2009) 

anglais Here it is shown that when creators are playful, it reflects nicely in the whole movie. There is one good idea presented in a funny, albeit absurd, way. Moreover, this is further supported by an excellent cyclic punchline, which shows that there are actually more of these ideas and that it could continue. However, the film is cut off in time, which is a good thing.


Isabelle au bois dormant (2007) 

anglais A nice animated grotesque, which has quite a few promising gags, but the overall punchline is unfortunately weaker. Fortunately, in this case, the visual aspect greatly helps it, as it is simply beautiful. The creators also play interestingly with animation, thus emphasizing the humor of some scenes. In this regard, the film is very enjoyable.


Les Raisins de la colère (1940) 

anglais It is a tough film that does a good job of portraying what America was like in the 1930s. On the other hand, I simply didn't feel that the movie managed to impress me in any particular way. It is a good film that has quite a few weak scenes and is dominated by Henry Fonda, who is exceptional. Some of the ideas expressed by the characters are excellent, but I feel that the film owes that to Steinbeck.


The Man Who Could Cheat Death (1959) 

anglais "The Man Who Could Cheat Death" is a fairly classic film from Hammer studio's early days, where there is an effort to scare, but it is still quite sterile at times, which is definitely a shame. However, it has its charm and for lovers of old horror movies, it is a pleasant bite-sized treat that can no longer surprise with its story, as it is quite well-known today and you will soon find out what it's actually about. But that doesn't prevent the film from being at least good.


Rencontres du 3ème type (1977) 

anglais One of the most breathtaking science fiction movies ever made. And it's all about one guy who gets a slight obsession and tries to sculpt a mountain that he has in his mind. That mountain probably exists somewhere. Excellent characters, excellent ending, and brilliantly shot scenes where you won't see a single flaw. Steven Spielberg is not my favorite director, but this is his best film.


Vicky and Sam (2010) 

anglais It's not a great work and in the final analysis, it's not really very imaginative either, but on the other hand, I like this game with reality and it demonstrates how powerful imagination can be when it is used. Sure, it's far-fetched, sure, it could have been even more far-fetched, but in this form, it's also quite good.


Caine's Arcade (2012) 

anglais What the film is about is interesting. The way the film is conceived is quite ordinary, which bothered me a bit. I didn't see what would captivate me about it besides what it depicts. I don't know, maybe it should be enough for a documentary, but the film seems to me more like a hint at something interesting, rather than a comprehensive work that brings something extra on its own.