Les plus visionnés genres / types / origines

  • Drame
  • Comédie
  • Action
  • Horreur
  • Animation

Critiques (10 821)


American Hero (2015) 

anglais Not a big disappointment, but a small one for sure. There was room here for a pretty wild action comedy, but they decided it would be a message-driven film, telling the story of just one superhero who couldn't cope with his abilities. Will Smith excelled in this, even though the film didn't fully succeed in terms of special effects. No, this just didn't entertain me much.


12 Rounds 3: Lockdown (2015) 

anglais It's not a great action movie, but I was surprised to find that it's not bad at all. The limited environment of a single building is still pretty good in a cat-and-mouse game. There are surprisingly gritty scenes here, and I didn't mind the characters either. I'm happy with this film. It works great on its own.


Kdyby tisíc klarinetů (1964) 

anglais If the ending didn't feel somewhat empty, and I didn't have the feeling that it was cut off halfway, I would give this movie 100%. The way it is, it only gets 90%, but this is one of those movies that captivate me when I watch them, especially with the musical aspects. It's breathtaking and I'm thrilled with it.


Tendres passions (1983) 

anglais It's melodramatic, sometimes overly so, but when you have actors like James L. Brooks did, you can manage to handle everything. Jack Nicholson is simply incredible, and no matter how much space you give him, he'll use it to the fullest. But it's not just about him; it's also about the other fantastic actors. They make it easy to watch.


L.A. Confidential (1997) 

anglais The film didn't completely win me over, even though you can't deny there are plenty of great elements to it. A story with a strong pull, just tangled enough, and most importantly, it's unraveled well. However, the foundation lies in the excellently written characters, who are even better portrayed. There was no mistake with any of the actors appearing in the film. Moreover, there's a captivating set design that really transports you back in time to the right era.


Hôtel Transylvanie 2 (2015) 

anglais It's a pity that I only gave the first part 60% because I believe it deserves more. This is a fun animated film that is really meant for the whole family, despite some of the grittier scenes. But the way it's animated, it just feels nice. I love Sandler's humor and here, once again, he entertained me brilliantly.


Bone Tomahawk (2015) 

anglais I finally saw a horror western - it's really more western than horror, but that's good - which is genuinely good, and so far I can put it on the pedestal of this peculiar subgenre, which could work but there are very few creators who can truly achieve it. The film is an excellent example that it's possible and that it can be done quite brutally.


L.A. Slasher (2015) 

anglais This is a strange movie. On the one hand, it's a B-movie that I can't get into, but on the other hand, it's exactly the kind of trash movie I like. And then at times, there are flashes of genius. It has a great B-movie cast and an absolutely stunning soundtrack. This is a film I would love to see again, despite its fairly simple plot.


Kaagaz Ke Fools (2015) 

anglais I guess I like it mostly because it's from India and I haven't given their cinema much of a chance yet. The first half of the film had me quite intrigued and I was curious to see how it would play out. Unfortunately, the subsequent development is so unnecessarily contrived and predictable that it easily reminds you of American romantic comedies. Here, it only has those songs that simply belong to Bollywood.


Utu (1983) 

anglais I didn't have too many expectations for this film because I'm not particularly fond of movies about indigenous peoples, but this surprised me in terms of how well it's shot. I got a copy of not very good quality, as it can be quite challenging to obtain certain movies. Even the poor image quality couldn't hide the fact that this is strong in various aspects and extremely confident in all moments.