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Critiques (10 850)


Rebel Highway - Roadracers (1994) (épisode) 

anglais It’s one of Robert Rodriguez's early films and it isn't actually bad at all, but at the same time, it's not particularly exceptional. Just what you expect from Robert, but in a more intimate package. But you'll find the brutality, you'll find the cool characters, and here and there, you'll also find some good lines and well-executed scenes. The roller skating one is great.


Amadeus (1984) 

anglais I finally watched this much-praised film, and I can only say that it's praised entirely rightly. Hulce and Abraham created beautiful, vivid characters and presented the dramatic story in a way that will simply captivate you. The set design is magnificent, and even if you're not a fan of opera, seeing only fragments of it will still leave you thrilled, just as seeing how a relatively unknown actor back then managed to portray a genius. You'll believe in him the entire time.


Le Prodige (2014) 

anglais Chess players are certainly interesting people and in a sense brilliant. You almost wonder why they only put such effort into a game. The makers of Pawn Sacrifice did what was needed. They depicted the historical event intriguingly, both from the perspective of the characters and from the viewpoint of their chess match, which becomes truly gripping towards the end.


Zombieworld (2015) 

anglais Zombieworld is another example of how the zombie genre might seem exhausted. And that's what it looks like. I think good stories exist, but they won't get out like this. This could be seen as a setup for something better, but as a whole, the movie didn't impress me at all.


Rendez-vous (2015) 

anglais Calling this a "thriller" feels a bit odd, although it somewhat fits due to the overall atmosphere. Nevertheless, you'll still feel like it's quite forced, and you won't really get that genuine suspense because just when it seems like something could happen and truly shift the balance towards a thriller, the next scene changes it again. That’s a pity because this was quite a good opportunity.


The Walk – Rêver Plus Haut (2015) 

anglais The scenes on the wire are incredible, and the highlight of the movie is truly the transition between the towers of the World Trade Center. I felt dizzy in places, and I didn't even see the film in IMAX. However, as there are great moments in terms of visual effects, there are also flaws, such as the terrible American accents of the actors, the predictability of the story, which is essentially a boring plotline that only wins through the sheer determination of the human will and what it can achieve.


La Ballade de Narayama (1983) 

anglais Another beautiful showcase of Japanese filmmaking skills, turning a relatively ordinary story into an incredibly powerful drama, preceded by a glimpse of how it's possible to live where most people will never venture. Man is an incredible creature and his psyche is strange. The film demonstrates this with exquisite bizarreness.


Night of the Ghouls (1959) 

anglais I think I'm somewhat of an Ed Wood supporter, but this film of his is truly dreadful. Although I think it's just because I've seen more of his films, and eventually, it just stops being entertaining and ends up being bad. This is simply bad and awkward at every moment, but to a certain extent, it's also memorable.


Il était une fois en Amérique (1984) 

anglais Sergio Leone didn't disappoint significantly and once again proved that film is his true medium, capturing images and scenes in a way that few others have achieved. His principles from westerns work brilliantly even in American mafia films, where there are absolutely captivating scenes supported by the performances of the actors. However, it doesn't surpass Once Upon a Time in the West for me.


One Eyed Girl (2014) 

anglais I like that filmmakers are trying to push certain boundaries, which is fairly well captured in this film. It's psychological, it's very intense at times, but at moments, you still feel like it's just shock value for the sake of it. Fortunately, then the story takes the lead, and you're met with a twist that's so beautifully cruel that I just had to appreciate it.