Tokyo Magnitude 8.0

  • Japon Tôkyô magunichûdo 8.0 (plus)
Japon, 2009, 4 h 2 min (Durée : 22 min)


Youichi Oogami


Kō Ōtani


Ai Nonaka, Aki Toyosaki, Kei Kobayashi, Miyuki Sawashiro, Takeshi Aono, Eri Kitamura, Yumiko Kobayashi, Aya Endō, Shin'ya Hamazoe, Yoshikazu Nagano (plus)
(autres professions)



Mirai Onozawa, 12 ans, termine son année scolaire. En crise d'adolescence, elle est contrariée de passer les vacances d'été avec ses parents et son petit frère Yûki, 7 ans. Le premier jour des vacances, Mirai emmène son frère à Odaiba assister à une exposition de robotique. Au moment de rentrer, Yûki va aux toilettes et c'est à ce moment que le sol se met à trembler : un séisme d'une magnitude 8 sur l'échelle de Richter. Mirai, qui s'en sort indemne, part affolée à la recherche de son petit frère dans les décombres… (ADN)


Critiques (1)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais What I can't forgive the filmmakers for is the one thing I haven't gotten used to in 10 episodes, and that's their frog-pig mouths. I'm sorry, but just the way they were drawn irritated the hell out of me the whole time. Obviously when something like that happens, lots of people are going to die, lots of people are going to be missing, injured, and there are going to be lots of happy and tearful reunions. It's all there. All kinds of stories. But somehow it didn't really appeal to me. I got a little bored throughout, with a little something here and there to keep my attention. Like when I figured out what was going on with Mirai and Yuuki – that's when I woke up. But yeah, it's watchable and a certain sort of people will like it a lot, I’m one of them so right hand and left foot... I think I'd rather see this one live action. ()

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