
« La Reine des reines », piquée au vif par césar, qui soutient que la grandeur de son peuple a laissé place à la décadence, s’engage à lui construire en trois mois un somptueux palais. Pour l’architecte Numérobis, le défi semble impossible… Sauf si le druide Panoramix et deux autres gaulois « sur-humains », Astérix et Obélx, lui prêtent main forte… (Citel Vidéo)


Critiques (3)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais A great cartoon, enriched with Egyptian history and the foundations of architecture without using a ruler. Wonderful fights and excellent songs. The crappy live action version is incomparable to this. You're a cruel, two-faced schemer. That's what you are! ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais A big rush for a specific group of people (of which I am one, thank God), and perhaps the funniest seventy minutes one can imagine. For those of you who have only seen the live-action version and liked it, know that it was only because it more or less faithfully replicates this cartoon, which actually has ten times more jokes, better timing and dubbing, and it’s smarter, too. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais I can't help it, but even this episode didn't entertain me as much as it used to. I am burdened by another one that came a bit later. However, there are still quite good gags here, and the visual side is not bad at all, especially in terms of the ideas regarding architecture, which probably wasn't fully present in Egypt. ()