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Transformers : Le commencement (2024) - Bande-annonce 9

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Eric (2024)

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Geek Girl (2024)

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Kafka (2024)

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Sugar (2024)

Dark Matter (2024)

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Memory (2023)

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Sorties en VOD

The Outlaws (2021) (série)

BBC iPlayer

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En del av dig (2024)


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How to Ruin Love (2024) (série)


We Are Lady Parts (2021) (série)

All 4

Eric (2024) (série)


Viktor Bringt’s (2024) (série)

Prime Video

Geek Girl (2024) (série)


Sorties en Blu-ray

Le Dernier des Juifs (2023)

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Mean Girls, lolita malgré moi (2024)

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Mars Express (2023)

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Harmonie (2014)

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Horrible (1981)

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Le Grand Magasin (2023)

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Sorties en DVD

Le Dernier des Juifs (2023)

le 24/05/2024 24/05

La Science de l'homéopathie (2022)

le 22/05/2024 22/05

Comme un prince (2023)

le 22/05/2024 22/05

Mean Girls, lolita malgré moi (2024)

le 22/05/2024 22/05

Le Voyage en pyjama (2023)

le 22/05/2024 22/05

Mars Express (2023)

le 22/05/2024 22/05

Tous résistants dans l'âme (2022)

le 22/05/2024 22/05


Nouvelles critiques des TOP utilisateurs·trices



Undisguisedly Hitchcockian. The script is very stupid, but what Brian De Palma spoils as a screenwriter, he makes up for mightily as a director. Plus, he's not afraid to use the skills of Ralf D. Bode and Pino Donaggio. More than one scene could have gone straight into the textbooks as an example of "how to slowly…

Boy Kills World

3DD!3Boy Kills World(2023)

This hammy romp about a deaf and dumb killer who has to overthrow a totalitarian regime spares no expense with absurd scenes, black humour and incredible action that combines the best of The Raid with childish imagination and naivety. The self-parody sequences where the protagonist tells the story in a video game…



The panoramas of a big city, like Blade Runner from Wish, and the same comparison can be used when looking at the robots, which are very reminiscent of those from Avatar, but in the end everyone will still see through the fact that this is nothing but a quick consumer product from Netflix product, which is…

Barbie Dreamhouse Challenge

NinadeLBarbie Dreamhouse Challenge(2023)

A special reality show from Mattel. Ashley Graham hosts pairs who carry out reconstructions of various parts of a real house in Barbie style from different decades from the 60s to the 90s. Then, outdoor seating areas in retro or contemporary styles are featured. The finale focuses on the dressing room and workspace.…

Une affaire d'honneur

EvilPhoEniXUne affaire d'honneur(2023)

This French historical drama is worth a watch. The men settle their honour by duelling each other with swords or pistols, and the acting is dominated by fencing master Roschdy Zem, who plays a very likeable character. It's got attractive visuals, strong themes like honour, pride and feminism, interesting dueling rules…


Nouvelles critiques des nouveaux venus



From a certain subjective perspective, I can probably understand that the book itself must have seemed very interesting, psychologically and mysteriously, and that all the dialogues and aspects of solitude, along with the essence and resolution of personal problems, including the concept and meaning of the spider,…

Bien dans son assiette : La preuve par deux

BorrtexBien dans son assiette : La preuve par deux(2024)

Boo !

Unfortunately, it's quite sad when the entire show is based on a research study that only considers the parameters that fit its narrative. The main measurement parameter for drawing the study's conclusions was the reduction of LDL (desirable) over an eight-week period for people on a vegan diet. However, the study…

Slow Horses - Leçons douloureuses

NecrotongueSlow Horses - Leçons douloureuses(2023)

Jackson Lamb must be Gary Oldman's dream role — he seems to be having a blast. What bugged me, though, was that you don't need to be a genius like Jackson Lamb to figure out who's behind everything. The second episode laid it all out so clearly that there weren't any other possibilities. Unless there's a perfect plot…

Batwoman - Loose Tooth

NinadeLBatwoman - Loose Tooth(2021)

This series isn't afraid to take risks, and it's as if they knew there were only a few episodes left, so they have something special prepared for each one. This time, they introduce the next generation of Killer Croc. The original comic character dates back to 1983, and in feature films, you can find him in Suicide…

Batwoman - Freeze

NinadeLBatwoman - Freeze(2021)

Next up is a meeting with Mr. Freeze, another classic villain who has been lurking around Gotham since 1959. Check out the TV series Batman 66 and Gotham, the classic animated series Batman and Batman & Mr. Freeze: SubZero, and the feature film Batman & Robin.


Acteurs les plus visités

Anya Taylor-Joy (actriceactrice, Né(e) le 1996)
Cailee Spaeny (actriceactrice, Né(e) le 1997)
Chris Hemsworth (acteur / producteuracteur / producteur, Né(e) le 1983)
Charlize Theron (actrice / productriceactrice / productrice, Né(e) le 1975)
Tom Burke (acteuracteur, Né(e) le 1981)
Brad Pitt (acteur / producteuracteur / producteur, Né(e) le 1963)

Artistes les plus visités

George Miller (réalisateur / scénariste / producteurréalisateur / scénariste, Né(e) le 1945)
Clint Eastwood (réalisateur / producteur / acteurréalisateur / producteur, Né(e) le 1930)
Guy Ritchie (réalisateur / scénariste / producteurréalisateur / scénariste, Né(e) le 1968)
Yorgos Lanthimos (réalisateur / producteur / scénaristeréalisateur / producteur, Né(e) le 1973)
Jon Watts (réalisateur / scénariste / acteurréalisateur / scénariste, Né(e) le 1981)
Alex Garland (scénariste / réalisateur / écrivainscénariste / réalisateur, Né(e) le 1970)


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