Le Noël de trop

  • Allemagne ÜberWeihnachten (plus)

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Au bout du rouleau, le musicien Bastian se bat contre son cafard alors qu'il se rend chez ses parents pour Noël, où une série de surprises peu réjouissantes l'attendent. (Netflix)

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Critiques (1)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais I guess it was on purpose that they cast a not very likable guy in the lead role who doesn't really excel at anything except singing. Because of this, I was constantly teetering between a state where I was flattered that I could put myself in his shoes as the viewer because of his ordinariness. On the other hand, though, I didn't understand – especially at one particular point – how anyone could build a show around a character who is not only a total loser, but also a pretty selfish moron. All in all, I was more entertained than not. A weaker 4 stars. ()

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