
  • Grande-Bretagne Host
Bande-annonce 1


Six friends hire a medium to hold a seance via Zoom during 2020’s lockdown. Some take it more seriously than others however and they get a lot more than they bargained for when they inadvertently anger a demonic spirit. (Second Sight)

Critiques (2)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

français Appel vidéo en quarantaine pour les amateurs de phénomènes paranormaux. Le plus court et le meilleur de sa catégorie. Et pas seulement effrayant à l'écran, mais aussi intensément terrifiant. Une friandise d'horreur, pour laquelle j'ai toujours eu une faiblesse. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais A horror film shot in lockdown during the coronavirus crisis, more or less for little money, but it makes the absolute most of it. I think The Host is today what The Blair Witch Project might have been 21 years ago. The film is around 50 minutes long and is about six friends who decide to perform séances through Zoom in the evening. I don’t think the Found Footage form will suit everyone, it will put some off from the start, but those who stay are in for an intense and scary ride that actually doesn't let the viewer breathe a sigh of relief. By being so short, the film skips the mandatory boring 40 minute segment about getting to know a group of people and gets straight to the point, and the atmosphere is so thick that somewhere in the middle I had to go for a smoke. I haven't had this much discomfort from a horror film in a long time or maybe ever before. The scares are effective and the fear comes in spades every now and then. The actresses give decent performances and I was very affected. You'd think that with 1565 horror films under my belt, I'd never be scared again. Host doesn't even count as a movie (acting, story, I don't care about the twist), because this could easily happen. Hats off to this one. A clear contender for Horror Movie of the Year and best Found Footage ever. Story**, Action>No, Humor>No, Violence***, Entertainment****, Music****, Visuals***, Atmosphere*****, Suspense*****. 8.5/10. ()