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Sorties au cinéma

Or de vie (2023)

le 05/06/2024 05/06

La Gardav (2024)

le 05/06/2024 05/06

L’Affaire Vinča Curie (2023)

le 05/06/2024 05/06

Dissidente (2023)

le 05/06/2024 05/06

L'Armée des Ombres (1969)

le 05/06/2024 05/06

Une femme pour Gianni (2024)

le 05/06/2024 05/06

L'Homme qui voulait savoir (1988)

le 05/06/2024 05/06

Rendez-vous avec Pol Pot (2024)

le 05/06/2024 05/06

En attendant la nuit (2023)

le 05/06/2024 05/06

Sorties en Blu-ray

Dream Scenario (2023)

le 07/06/2024 07/06

Slumber Party Massacre (1982)

le 07/06/2024 07/06

L'Homme qui voulait savoir (1988)

le 07/06/2024 07/06

Le Bal de l'horreur (1980)

le 07/06/2024 07/06

From Beyond : Aux portes de l'au-delà (1986)

le 07/06/2024 07/06

Cocorico (2024)

le 06/06/2024 06/06

Petit papa baston (1994)

le 06/06/2024 06/06

Sorties en DVD

Iron Claw (2023)

le 07/06/2024 07/06

Dream Scenario (2023)

le 07/06/2024 07/06

Melchior l'apothicaire : Le Spectre de la rue du puits (2022)

le 07/06/2024 07/06

The Old Way (2023)

le 07/06/2024 07/06

L'Homme qui voulait savoir (1988)

le 07/06/2024 07/06

Cocorico (2024)

le 06/06/2024 06/06

Petit papa baston (1994)

le 06/06/2024 06/06


Nouvelles critiques des TOP utilisateurs·trices



Three stars are a bad way to average out a contradictory project that began with my enthusiasm in the first season and ended in deep disappointment during the third season. It must be admitted that the creators managed to extract from very little (the project manages with a minimum of locations and effectively only a…



Only very rarely does a series succeed in creating an atmosphere and style that are difficult to liken to anything else. This series exudes bizarreness, darkness, and the mustiness of decades-old, neglected corners of a decaying house full of inhabitants with twisted characters, corroded by invisible evil. Sticky…

Le Bon, la Brute et le Truand

KakaLe Bon, la Brute et le Truand(1966)

The most ambitious in content, the most magnificent in production design and the strongest in characters of the entire Dollar Trilogy. Unfortunately, it's also excruciatingly long, and as iconic as Morricone's music is, it's mostly about its central melody. Eli Wallach is the most interesting and best-acted character.…

Candy : Meurtre au Texas

NinadeLCandy : Meurtre au Texas(2022)

The comparison between Candy and Love & Death is absolutely fantastic. Two miniseries based on the same true crime case filmed around the same time for different networks. Love & Death is a more charming, entertaining HBO drama with attractive actors and a grand courtroom atmosphere in the style of David E.…

Batwoman - Season 3

NinadeLBatwoman - Season 3(2021)

The development of the Batwoman series is truly intriguing. The first season emerged at a time when the Arrowverse was expanding into unprecedented dimensions. The solo "Batwoman" series had a great reputation among readers after 2011, but the fundamental problem was that its comic book depiction was geared towards…


Nouvelles critiques des nouveaux venus

Les Couleurs du mal : Rouge

NecrotongueLes Couleurs du mal : Rouge(2024)

Even I, a seasoned viewer, was taken aback by the level of brutality depicted. But hey, life isn't a fairy tale or a Marvel comic, right? If you hit someone with an axe or a blunt object, it's not going to be pretty. A sensitive soul might have serious issues with this film, but the reality is, as long as there are…

Slow Horses - Season 3

NecrotongueSlow Horses - Season 3(2023)

Who would have thought the key to winning horse races is betting on the underdogs? I just finished the third season and, to my surprise, the creators still have plenty to offer. I wasn't bored for a second during any of the six episodes. Even though logic occasionally took a backseat, it didn't bother me much because…

Slow Horses - Footprints

NecrotongueSlow Horses - Footprints(2023)

Episodes five and six have been the most thrilling yet. The death count was so dramatic it could revive even a struggling funeral service company. What I really appreciate is that the creators didn't just turn it into a blood-soaked action fest. Instead, the cold, concrete corridors drenched in blood were often warmed…

John Mulaney: Baby J

NecrotongueJohn Mulaney: Baby J(2023)

I'd love to be able to say I had a great time, but John Mulaney didn’t quite win me over. The final segment with the GQ interview reading didn’t really hit the mark for me. I enjoyed the intervention part a lot more, but I can't say I was rolling on the floor laughing. To be fair, I don't think it's entirely Mulaney's…

How to Have Sex

claudelHow to Have Sex(2023)

Alcool qui coule à flots, musique qui résonne, excitation renforcée par les concours et compétitions à la piscine et au club… Typiquement ado… Mais l'intrigue prend rapidement une tournure plus sérieuse et laisse transparaître les performances verbales et non verbales de Mia McKenna-Bruce. Excellent pour un début,…


Acteurs les plus visités

Amandla Stenberg (actriceactrice, Né(e) le 1998)
Cailee Spaeny (actriceactrice, Né(e) le 1997)
Jung-jae Lee (acteur / réalisateur / scénaristeacteur / réalisateur, Né(e) le 1973)
Mia Goth (actrice / scénaristeactrice / scénariste, Né(e) le 1993)
Will Smith (acteur / producteur / compositeuracteur / producteur, Né(e) le 1968)
Dafne Keen (actriceactrice, Né(e) le 2005)

Artistes les plus visités

Fede Alvarez (scénariste / réalisateur / producteurscénariste / réalisateur, Né(e) le 1978)
Leslye Headland (réalisatrice / scénariste / artisteréalisatrice / scénariste, Né(e) le 1980)
Shawn Levy (réalisateur / producteur / acteurréalisateur / producteur, Né(e) le 1968)
Xavier Gens (réalisateur / scénariste / producteurréalisateur / scénariste, Né(e) le 1975)
George Miller (réalisateur / scénariste / producteurréalisateur / scénariste, Né(e) le 1945)
Alex Garland (scénariste / réalisateur / écrivainscénariste / réalisateur, Né(e) le 1970)


Anniversaire aujourd’hui

Anniversaire demain