
With Anubis, the most powerful of the Goa'uld system lords, increasing his ability to acquire and use advanced weaponry against Earth, Gen. Hammond decides to break the secrecy of the Stargate program in the interest of forming a global coalition to fight the alien threat. He calls a Pentagon meeting with the ambassadors from China, France and Great Britain, with Col. Chekov of the Russian Stargate program there to back him up. Unfortunately, Sen. Kinsey also insists on being present. Convincing the ambassadors of the existence of the stargate and of the Goa'uld seems nearly impossible, until Kinsey steps in to assure them it is all true. However, he also immediately denounces the Defense Department's control of Stargate Command and questions Hammond and Col. Jack O'Neill's competence in handling both it and the advanced technology Stargate Command has acquired — not to mention accusing SG-1 of nearly causing Earth's destruction on more than one occasion. Hammond counters each accusation by showing how, in every case, SG-1 averted disaster that would have occurred had not Col. O'Neill and his team risked their lives for the good of humanity. But the more the committee hears about the stargate — as well as about the X-302 spacecraft and about Prometheus (a.k.a. the X-303), the U.S. Air Force's answer to a Goa'uld mothership — the more incensed they become. Kinsey suggests that control of the stargate be transferred to a non-military organization: the U.S. government's covert National Intelligence Division (NID).

Hammond is amazed, because the NID had just tried to have him assassinated. Kinsey quickly pins the blame on NID rogue operatives now in custody. Hammond finds it incomprehensible that what he considers a borderline criminal organization, one which has stolen alien technology and threatened the lives of his granddaughters, should be in control of the stargate. During a recess, Hammond learns the reason for Kinsey's suggestion: He is about to be put in charge of the Intelligence Oversight Committee, which would in turn give him power over the NID — and the stargate. Hammond has his own ace up his sleeve. He tells the ambassadors that while it is true Stargate Command has made enemies during the past six years, it also has made powerful friends. As the committee calls Kinsey's proposal "interesting" and is about to demand full disclosure to the world about the imminent alien threat, Thor, Supreme Commander of the Asgard Fleet, materializes in the conference room. Thor tells Kinsey that, while he believes O'Neill was joking when he suggested sending Kinsey to a distant planet, he also believes the Stargate Program should remain under Hammond's command. He says that although this is not a condition of peace with the Asgard, it is preferred. Thor is also here to place Asgard weapons and shields on the Prometheus. After Thor vanishes, the committee immediately reconsiders and decides that, for the time being, the stargate status quo should be preserved. (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM))



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