

Fûka est amnésique. Alors qu'elle ère dans une ville inconnue, elle réalise qu'elle est poursuivie. Un membre d'une des nombreuses mafias locales lui vient pourtant en aide. C'est ainsi qu'elle fait la connaissance de la famille Oz, qui possède sa propre école… (Crunchyroll)

Critique de l’utilisateur·trice Jeoffrey pour cette série (1)

Ozmafia!! (2016) 

anglais Kawai's animated boys did not blow me away. However, I would have ignored the references if it was not so stupid, at least. These four minutes of my life were totally wasted and I am never getting them back. There were just a bunch of very peculiar characters, and I wondered, with a sour expression, what I should laugh at and what I should like about this. Plus, when I saw what the main male protagonist's escape from the security guards with swords looked like, I realized that I just did not want to watch something like that. That was not amusing; that was pathetic. This is not for me. Dropped after the first episode. ()