Basket Case

  • France Frères de sang (plus)


Fraîchement débarqué à New York, le jeune Duane Bradley s'installe dans un hôtel miteux de Manhattan. Il transporte avec lui un étrange panier en osier. À l'intérieur se trouve son frère Belial, difforme depuis la naissance. Ces anciens frères siamois ont été séparés de force à leurs douze ans. Depuis, Belial n'a qu'une idée en tête : se venger des médecins qui ont pratiqué l'opération... (Carlotta Films)


Critiques (1)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais A clean, undistilled grindhouse flick that makes up for its obviously low budget with shocking unpredictability, sick inventiveness, bizarre humour and great passion for the cause. It’s shot on grainy 16mm in the dirtiest corners of New York that would make Scorsese's Taxi Driver envious. Someone on the internet aptly summed it up by saying that “it's like E.T. if it was directed by a psychopath”. Basket Case has a premise similar to Larry Cohen's horror film It's Alive, about a murderous baby, except that here the murderer is a tiny mutant Siamese twin being carried around in a wicker basket by his brother. Unlike It's Alive, however, Basket Case doesn't take itself seriously at all, it has drive and manages to sell its main monster perfectly. You won't get its visage and loud roar out of your head right away. ()