
  • Canada Thanatomorphose (plus)

VOD (1)


Après une folle nuit de sexe avec son partenaire du moment, la jeune et jolie Laura se réveille au petit matin avec d’étranges marques sur le corps. La jeune femme n’y prête pas vraiment attention mais son état va toutefois très rapidement empirer. En effet, sa peau commence à se nécroser, ses ongles à tomber et tout son corps dégage une forte odeur de décomposition. Rien ne semble pouvoir enrayer ce phénomène répugnant et, au fur et à mesure que ses chairs se putréfient, la raison de Laura va se mettre à vaciller, la plongeant bientôt dans une véritable folie meurtrière… (ESC Distribution)


Critiques (2)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais In a couple of years people will speak about Thanatomorphose as that “disgusting cult movie where the protagonist rots alive”. It is extremely disgusting (really, you should think very well whether you want to see something like this), but, unlike the majority of similar fringe movies, this one wasn’t boring (even though its pace is very slow and hardly anyone speaks), and it also doesn’t feel cheap and gratuitous, it shows not only the physical decay, but also the mental and moral decay. It does have its issues, sure (which are quite loud at times), due mainly to its low budget, but overall it’s very (unpleasantly) impressive. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais This is a very intense spectacle, where the moment you understand what the film is actually about, you're just waiting to see how ugly it's going to get. And it gets ugly. Here are scenes that can make your blood boil. It's simply about a man rotting alive. But it can also be taken as a very good metaphor. ()


Photos (16)