War of the Arrows

  • anglais Arrow: The Ultimate Weapon (plus)


Lors de la deuxième invasion mandchoue de la Corée, 500 000 civils sont faits prisonniers. Au beau milieu de combats acharnés, se bat un archer coréen entré dans la légende mais dont les historiens ont oublié le nom. Ceci est son histoire… (texte officiel du distributeur)

Critiques (1)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais If you want to see an epic Asian movie, we can even say period epic movie, War of the Arrows is worth seeing. The technical aspect of this movie is totally awesome. The archery techniques might not be portrayed in an exactly realistic manner but everything in this movie is spectacular, action-packed and enjoyable. What is not so good is the historical sub-text and the story itself, which isn’t that complex but there are some moments in the history of the Korean peninsula that aren’t clear, so concerning the historical aspect of this movie I was lost. What’s more, the Koreans, similarly to Chinese epic movies, made this movie a little for effect with chaotic storytelling and their archers look more like supermen than average warriors. Still, it is a good piece. A fan would be exulted, others satisfied. ()