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Critiques (335)


Les Passagers (2008) 

anglais I deliberately did not read any synopsis or reviews so as not to have the ending given away to me by some wiseass. I expected this to be rather average. Perhaps I haven’t seen enough movies, but it really took me a while to put it all together and figure it out in the end. It turned out to be an awesome movie with a slightly slower pace, which I didn't mind at all. All things considered, I would give it 3.5 stars, but for Hathaway I will round it up to 4 :).


Les Mondes de Ralph (2012) 

anglais It’s a long time since I felt such good vibes as after watching Wreck-It-Ralph. As a big fan of computer games, I was absolutely captivated by this animated movie. Not only is it really original and funny, but there is also the mandatory moral of the story for families with children, namely that even a villain can have a heart and mean well. It could have been a bit better executed, but when I compare this work to other animated movies from 2012, it’s the brightest exception to an otherwise miserable year. It might even be the best animated movie in the last three years -> 5 stars.


Des hommes sans loi (2012) 

anglais A movie with great potential, whose cast should be a guarantee of an at least above-average feature. But Lawless is a movie in which the story falls so flat that not even a stellar cast could save it. Key parts of the story seem too hastily and sloppily narrated, while other scenes are completely redundant. It all seems to be just moving around in circles, without getting anywhere in particular. Various parts of the story raise questions that don’t get answered and no one worries about how Shia built all that or what the hell Oldman’s character was there for (getting very little space anyway). And so, it all heads towards a grand finale. I thought the movie could still be saved by it, but what I got was such emotionless nonsense that the 3 stars are fully deserved.


Hunger Games (2012) 

anglais I understand the negative reviews saying it's too long or that it's standard nonsense for teenagers, but only one or two stars? My expectations were based on those critical reviews, but instead I got a movie which was entertaining from beginning to end (seriously!) and one of the biggest surprises of the year. Quite a good script, albeit with a few goofs, but I didn’t mind. The movie only confirmed that Jennifer Lawrence is one of the most talented actresses today.


Drive (2011) 

anglais Incredible atmosphere, fantastic sound (awesome soundtrack) and camerawork, but how do I rate a movie that bored me most of the time and wasn’t really about anything. Unfortunately, I'm not enough of a film buff for this to blow my mind, so three stars it is.


Django Unchained (2012) 

anglais Django Unchained convinced me yet again of something for which I’m truly grateful. Tarantino is still on a roll, serving the audience exactly what is expected of him, keeping everyone royally entertained. The movie has all of Tarantino’s trademarks, especially gallons of blood and perfectly crafted dialogues. I had the time of my life, just like with the Inglourious Basterds, where Christoph Waltz gave a similarly brilliant performance. He and Tarantino really hit it off. PS: Tarantino's "exit" from the movie and the Ku Klux Klan scenes were perfection.


Arrow (2012) (série) 

anglais If there is a series which has really surprised me recently, it's definitely Arrow. Since the release of Nolan's Batman Begins, these comic book characters have been given a completely different vibe. The dense, grim atmosphere is simply part of it. What to say about this series? Although not all the episodes of the first season have been aired yet, I would already like to comment on it. Some of the actors aren't entirely convincing and are still settling into their roles, but I believe that, over time, the series will improve in this regard. The story is kind of a mixture of Lost and Batman, but hopefully it won’t turn into a farce as in the first case or become a replica of the latter (well, if it was as good as Batman, I would be okay with that, but that would smack of sci-fi, because what's better than Batman?). However, if there is a contemporary series that I expect to be spectacular, it’s this one. I hope Arrow won’t let me down. So far, it looks more than promising. S01: 7/10. S02: 6/10. PS: Unfortunately, I didn’t finish it, the decent-looking comic book series turned into total crap.


Le Robot à tout faire ! (2007) (série) 

anglais I just can’t give The Big Bang Theory five stars. Sure, it's funny, Sheldon is one of the best characters ever, but this series has way too many flaws. Most importantly, it is quite clear how most of the episodes will turn out and the punchlines of the jokes are obvious a mile away. Calling this series brilliant? No way. BBT only provides the viewers with the feeling that they’re so goddamn smart, because they’re the only ones who appreciate all those incredibly smart jokes, making them feel like beings of superior knowledge, who find it hard to understand how dumb everyone else is. This is what irritates me about this series, and even though it's quite funny, there’s no way it's worth five stars. S01: 8/10. S02: 8/10. S03: 8/10. S04: 8/10. S05: 5/10. S06: 7/10. S07: 6/10. S08: 6/10. S09: 6/10. S10: 6/10. S11: 6/10. S12: 7/10.


Tron (1982) 

anglais Honestly, I would forgive this movie almost anything and there’s quite a lot, actually. The story is practically about nothing and the acting performances (except Bridges) are below average. But it’s all compensated by the music, and especially the visuals(!). Even after 30 years, it still looks fantastic for its time. Seeing it at the time it was made would have been a feast for the eyes. A revolution in the history of the film industry!


Tron : La révolte (2012) (série) 

anglais There’s no other series that I found as gripping as TRON: Uprising. It’s such a perfect series that it’s astonishing how overlooked it is at the same time. What Disney has created is truly incredible. The atmosphere of this series is truly awesome, the soundtrack by Joseph Trapanese is brilliant, making me savor every minute of this series. The characters are gradually developed and my desire for more and more content keeps growing with each new episode. The story, set in the period between TRON and TRON: Legacy, has so much hidden potential, and I believe the authors are well aware of this. After all those episodes with the stories of the inhabitants of Argon and the whole endless Grid, I only wish for this not to end with the first season. In fact, after the last episode of the first season, I’m not the least bit worried about it. Although the authors are strictly limited by the fact that the story is inserted between two other stories, it would be a shame to cut it short, given its huge potential. The series that definitely made me a diehard Tron fan. I have no complaints.