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Critiques (335)


Star Trek into Darkness (2013) 

anglais My review was largely influenced by seeing this at the movie theatre. It’s a completely different experience outside it. I only watched the first installment on DVD, so I missed out on its epicness and I was slightly skeptical about the Star Trek series itself. I ended up giving it 4 stars, especially because the first installment got rid of the naivety and added more hilarity. The second installment is considerably different, but, in some respects, it has remained the same, perhaps to its detriment. The whole movie and especially the scenes in space are a visual orgy. The soundtrack is brilliant, taking the movie to a whole other level. What bothered me about the first installment was the villain, who was simply too weak and didn't fit well into an otherwise good movie. Therefore, when Benedict Cumberbatch (aka Sherlock) was announced as the main villain, I was naturally excited. Nevertheless, it was a disappointment. It's not the fault of Cumberbatch, who gives an excellent performance. The screenwriters are to blame, as they gave him virtually no space, so we learn almost nothing about him. A huge shame. He may be an ingenious, mysterious intergalactic terrorist, but the battle between him and the Enterprise crew gets "resolved" in such a naive way that is so typical of Star Trek. I was also disappointed by the story, which I consider to be an important aspect in all of my reviews. It’s all narrated so hastily. I just felt as if a few scenes were missing that would make this into a more coherent whole. To all the negatives I’ve listed so far, I have to add a big BUT. Since I'm not an expert on the Star Trek world and the whole story around it, I shouldn't criticize things I didn't pick up on, but Star Trek fans would. Kudos to J.J. Abrams, because he revived a franchise which wasn’t familiar or interesting to me up until then and gave it a form which made it digestible for people like me. That means less of the classic Star Trek, more of the visual orgies. The result is one of the best blockbusters of this year.


Iron Man 3 (2013) 

anglais I'll admit, after binge-watching the first two installments the day before, I wasn't expecting anything groundbreaking. The trailers looked solid, but I had this nagging skepticism that it might just be another fun ride without anything truly special. But let me tell you, what Shane Black delivered in those two hours deserves a standing ovation. I couldn't believe my eyes - a Marvel movie with such a mature and genuinely believable story! It's like Bruce Wayne and Batman all over again, and Tony Stark's way of coming to terms with it is fantastic. Everything in this movie just clicks. The characters are spot-on, the dialogues are as sharp and funny as ever, and the action, unlike the second installment, is top-notch. Most importantly, the story makes sense. It is better than both its predecessors and possibly one of the best Marvel movies ever made. It's an easy 5-star rating from me, placing it among the top blockbusters of 2013. Oh, and a special shoutout to Brian Tyler for the absolutely fantastic music.


Lockout (2012) 

anglais Terrible, horrendous, atrocious, and I could go on adding words to the list to characterize this piece of crap. The movie doesn’t make any sense whatsoever. It has no ambition of being anything other than an average sci-fi B-movie. There’s no way it can surprise you. After reading the description of its “plot”, everyone can get an idea of what utter nonsense it will be, and it ends up being a huge failure. Some of the digital effects were definitely made in 2012, only B.C. Nevertheless, through some sort of an accident, Pearce appears in this movie, and has a great line for any situation, followed by even better lines, so he was a guarantee that I wouldn't go completely nuts during those 90 minutes and I managed to watch the movie till the end. Anyway, Besson should consider changing careers, because this is pathetic. (PS: The movie features the fastest free fall in human history, which would put Baumgartner and Red Bull to shame.)


Le Dernier Rempart (2013) 

anglais Well, I ended up giving it 3 stars, but I was tempted to give 4. It's just that it isn't so extraordinary in hindsight. The beginning looks surprisingly interesting and there’s quite a lot of action, but those are just occasional flashes of light, otherwise it's an average piece of crap relying on the cast led by Arnold. But absolutely no one from the entire cast does any actual acting. Arnold’s break from acting is more than obvious, so he’s trying to save his performance the usual way, through one-liners. But it’s not exactly a success on that front either. Some of the lines are funny, some are downright pathetic, and the mediocre screenplay is not doing the movie any favors. When the ending comes after more than an hour, you expect some spectacular action, as is usually the case in movies with Arnold. What you get is something that nobody in their right mind would film and the final battle can only be regarded as a parody. All things considered, 3 stars are more than enough.


Les Cinq Légendes (2012) 

anglais I love this type of animated movies. A story that makes sense, with a runtime that is "just right", well-crafted characters (especially the bunny voiced by Hugh Jackman is really excellent) and also absolutely incredible animation, with some really exquisite details. Along with Wreck-It Ralph, the best animated movie of 2012.


Le Lauréat (1967) 

anglais A truly cult romantic comedy, a beautiful story, and Dustin Hoffman’s role of a lifetime. But there’s one aspect that makes the movie unforgettable for me. A great ending, and, most importantly, a fantastic soundtrack! Really phenomenal work by Simon & Garfunkel.


Pulp Fiction (1994) 

anglais I can't figure out why, but other great movies can be characterized by words such as brilliant, perfect or fantastic. But when you say the word CULT, only two things come to my mind: Star Wars, and most importantly Pulp Fiction. A cult movie which has everything: cult scenes, lines, characters, the whole package. Plus, it was made by the most original director in Hollywood.


Donnie Darko (2001) 

anglais I’m giving it 4 stars for now, because I honestly couldn’t wrap my head around it, in a way that’s never happened to me before.


The 85th Annual Academy Awards (2013) (émission) 

anglais First of all, I would like to point out that this was the first time I’d seen the Oscars, so I had no idea what to expect. But as MacFarlane came on stage and with him some really nasty jokes, I began to really enjoy it. It's a shame that it started losing momentum towards the end and there was a totally ridiculous number of commercials, which was not the host’s fault, so I think he did a great job. The main themes of the night were music and Bond. While there were quite a lot of songs, most of which worked really well, I expected there to be much more about Bond, but I guess that's just me. Ted's appearance was really something, and it got the show going again. As for the results, I am satisfied. I guessed all the main categories right and I’m especially happy for Hathaway and Lawrence, because they are both great actresses and they both really deserved it. So overall, I'm happy I experienced the five-hour marathon and got to enjoy a spectacular show. My only quibble is that the academy did not nominate Nolan and his Dark Knight (not even the music or effects, which is an insult), but anyway, all the awards are probably in the right hands.


La Vengeance dans la peau (2007) 

anglais One of the best final parts of a trilogy in film history. Slow or dull moments, slacking of pace? Forget it, because if there is a movie that currently defines the action film genre, it’s The Bourne Ultimatum. It’s so incredibly action-packed, and the way Greengrass never stops even for a minute, shooting one thrilling scene after another, is simply unparalleled. When you add the brilliant music and a great story, it's a real treat. Scenes at the London Station or on the rooftops of Morocco will make you breathless by how fantastically they are filmed. Plus, thanks to his experience from the previous installments, Matt Damon made Jason Bourne into a household name. I can't help thinking that The Bourne Trilogy laid the groundwork for Bond movies with Craig, only confirming that The Bourne Trilogy is the uncrowned king of all action movies.