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Critiques (335)


Dexter (2006) (série) 

anglais I finally decided to catch up on another series I had missed and started watching Dexter. After only the first season, hats off, because it has already managed to become one of my favorites, maybe even the most favorite. Anyway, we’ll see if the following seasons will hold up to the standard. Although mentioned many times, the brilliant screenplay and awesome Michael C. Hall literally glued me to this series, and I can’t wait to watch the next season. S01: 10/10. The second season is also great, but it has a slightly weaker story than the first one and has some occasional illogicalities. Nevertheless, it’s still one of the best series ever. S02: 9.5/10. Miguel Fucking Prado. What to add, an awesome third season. S03: 10/10. If I should define a perfect series, then after the fourth season, it’s clearly Dexter. Trinity killer and the whole plot around him is really incredible. What an ending. S04: 10/10. What to add concerning the fifth season? The bar was clearly set high in the preceding seasons, but it is still beyond reproach. S05: 10/10. Dexter just can’t get enough, and the sixth season is as brilliant as the previous ones and the way it raises questions about life and religion, is mind-blowing. And the ending? “I am a father, a son, a serial killer."  S06: 10/10. After the seventh season, I have to say that I’m amazed by how Dexter can still maintain such high quality. Being chased by the Ukrainian mafia may not be such a strong premise as another serial killer, yet I absolutely devour this series and, despite it being illogical at times, it's still thrilling. And just like all of the season finales, this one is just as brilliant. S07: 10/10. I devoured all 7 seasons of Dexter, regardless of any predictabilities or illogicalities. Unfortunately, in the last season, they are way too striking. Admittedly, the eighth season is the weakest one. It's still great at the beginning, the dark atmosphere from the end of the seventh season was perfectly transferred to the next one. But then it gets worse, and I imagined a diametrically different ending. Overall, the tying up of some of the storylines is, let's say, a little peculiar. What's missing here is the perspective of a serial killer’s detachment from the world of other people and Dexter’s typical black humor has almost disappeared. “Another morning, another body. Miami makes more corpses than sunburns.” S08: 7/10 What to add? I'm happy for every minute I got to spend with Dexter, a series that approached the limit of perfection. Often overlooked, yet a great performance throughout the series was delivered by Jennifer Carpenter. And if I am to choose the best season, it's definitely the first one. A strong story, no feelings, emotions, commitments, just Dexter and “Tonight's the night”.


X-Men 2 (2003) 

anglais An improvement over the boring first installment in all respects. The special effects, the story and even the characters have gotten better. I'll add another star for the action-packed last half hour. Overall, it has a faster pace than the 20 minutes shorter part one. By the way, Jackman is awesome as always, as if born for the role of Wolverine.


X-Men (2000) 

anglais The first time I saw this movie a long time ago, I didn't even finish it. That’s how bored I was. After many years, I thought I'd give X-Men another chance, and it turned out...more or less exactly the same. Although it didn’t seem so boring anymore, I still found it rather hilarious, even in places where it wasn’t intended to be. It all just seemed too weird, with the exception of Wolverine, excellently portrayed by Jackman. Before this movie, superheroes were considered to be some sort of freaks in costumes. After this movie, better and better superhero movies started coming, but I think of the first installment of X-Men as a kind of intermediary step which, if it hadn’t been for Jackman, would have been a total flop.


Neviditelný Kapr (2011) (film amateur) Boo !

anglais Maybe if I turned on my webcam and made a two-minute recording of my expression, which I would characterize simply as WTF?, it would perhaps, no, definitely, be more valuable for Czech cinema than this piece of crap. It required a great deal of idiocy and dim-wittedness, multiplied by the so-called judges in the competition for the most idiotic amateur film of the year. Congratulations!


Fast & Furious 6 (2013) 

anglais After a great fifth installment, Justin Lin keeps up the established trend. He presents another action-packed spectacle, which is no longer mainly about illegal street races and car chases in general, which often looked lame thanks to "special effects". Instead, the focus is on awesome action, where car chases only play a secondary role. Most importantly, they are much easier to follow than in the first four installments. Also, get ready for some explosions, shootouts, fights and, above all, great one-liners, which are really unforgettable, especially those uttered by The Rock. However, I watched the fifth installment before this one and it's still slightly better.


Senna (2010) 

anglais Captivating, fascinating, inspiring and, especially at the end, emotionally crushing, which seldom happens with documentaries. Asif Kapadia did a brilliant job. A true story about possibly the best F1 driver ever (well, Schumacher was at least as good). The rivalry between Prost and Senna, the helplessness when the F1 bosses were trying to undermine him, the faith in God, which always motivated him in his ambition to be a great driver, but also a good person. All that can be felt in every shot. May every sports legend have a documentary of similar quality.


Spring Breakers (2012) 

anglais Admittedly, like many people, I was fooled by the trailer that promised a completely different sort of entertainment than what I eventually got. From the beginning, it looked like a celebration of the stupid American teen generation, which I didn’t even think I’d manage to watch until the end. That’s how idiotic it seemed at the beginning. Then you’re just waiting for the girls to run out of all the booze and drugs, then feel a little sorry that the spring break is over and then the final credits roll. But Korine goes against all your expectations and breaks them down one by one. After much deliberation, I'm giving it 4 stars. Of course, it has its weaker moments and it does get boring at times, but the way this work was perfectly thought out will hit you eventually (well, not everyone, I guess). Suddenly, you realize that it’s criticism of the current completely vacuous generation, getting high on drugs and booze, always looking for more thrills, while becoming more and more entangled in a vicious circle, with the following rule: whoever escapes it, wins. PS: The people behind the campaign for this movie (as well as those who did the casting) should receive at least half of the earnings. That's what got this movie into cinemas, and it definitely paid off.


Easy Rider (1969) 

anglais From what I gather, I can imagine what the hippie era and everything around it was like. I'm sure that when this movie came out, it was definitely a blast. But the years go by, and over those 40 years, the movie has lost almost all of its appeal. It's a complete bore that not even a good score can save. Fonda and Nicholson give good performances, but Hopper is as bad an actor as a director, and perhaps ruined a good screenplay by his directing. Finally, don’t tell me this is a cult movie. A cult movie is just as fantastic at the time of its creation as it is 30 years later. This just didn’t withstand the test of time and has no chance of appealing to younger generations.


Man of Steel (2013) 

anglais Superman is one of my least favorite superheroes. It's mainly because he's the least realistic one (although I understand that the terms reality and superhero don’t really go together). It's just that I find Superman more suitable for comic books than a movie. But then I also had positive expectations and they were fulfilled to the last detail. First of all, I consider Christopher Nolan to be a man who wouldn't waste a second on something that was doomed to fail. His presence is more than apparent, and the experience from the Batman trilogy certainly helped Zack Snyder. Which brings me to direction, which was practically impeccable and, except for some moments, truly masterful. As for the cast - although some characters are not exactly my favorite, during the movie I realized that they fit very well into the whole, so I was satisfied with the choice. I could go on enumerating reasons why I'm giving it 5 stars, but one is definitely worth mentioning. The music composed by Hans Zimmer can only be described as magnificent(!!!). The epicness of the movie simply radiates from it. The music actually sent chills down my spine, which last happened to me a year ago with (surprisingly) The Dark Knight Rises. If the music doesn’t get nominated for an Oscar again, the category will definitively lose its meaning for me. A movie where more skyscrapers are destroyed than in all of the Transformers combined definitely warrants 5 stars.


Même pas mal ! (2004) 

anglais A slightly above-average movie, in which you get to enjoy decent acting performances and the appearance of Chuck Norris. By the way, it's interesting to see how self-assured Lance Armstrong is when giving inspirational life advice (the guy simply has no shame...).