Les plus visionnés genres / types / origines

  • Drame
  • Comédie
  • Action
  • Horreur
  • Animation

Critiques (10 817)


Visions (2015) 

anglais The film Visions is not an original work, but it at least strives to work quite decently with what the authors have given it. There are no moments here that can completely knock you out, but there are moments that aren't outright bad. It isn't a great horror film, but it's at least average.


Coeurs perdus en Atlantide (2001) 

anglais This particular Stephen King book is one of my favorites, even if it's not exactly top-notch. But Anthony Hopkins and Anton Yelchin gave the characters the right portrayal, and I just enjoyed watching their story again, which is about coming of age; it's not strictly a horror story, but its kindness with a touch of tragedy makes it even more beautiful.


Hamlet (1990) 

anglais It's fine. But that's about it. There are interesting actors here, with Glenn Close essentially not delivering much, and Ian Holm having too little space similar to Helena Bonham Carter, so it all depends on Mel, who shows that he can play every emotion, but still doesn't elevate this version of Hamlet.


L'Arnacoeur (2010) 

anglais It's not entirely bad for being "just" a romantic film that tries to engage on both a romantic level and a humorous one. There's also a little action to give it the right drive. I just wasn't as entertained as I would expect from a good romantic comedy.


Heart of a dog (2015) 

anglais I don't like associative films because even though they have an idea within them - or they could have one - the way they are presented bothers me so much that I don't actually have any proper experience from the film itself because I don't enjoy watching it. Moreover, I'm not sure if the associations here are actually a bit self-serving. At least in places they sound strange.


Les Voyages de Gulliver (1939) 

anglais I somehow don't know what I actually thought I would see, but I must say that this animated film disappointed me quite a bit. The animation of the Lilliputians in contrast to Gulliver is just weird, and in my opinion, it doesn't achieve the effect it should. Gulliver already stands out with his height; he doesn't need to stand out with the graphics as well. It's a bit overdone, and even though the animation isn't bad, I didn't enjoy it that much.


Hamlet (1948) 

anglais I don't claim that this is the ultimate portrayal of Hamlet, but Laurence Olivier is completely different here than I expected. I was expecting something grand, but he is incredibly human and, above all, great in more meditative scenes, but also in more action-packed ones. This is an adaptation that a person will watch multiple times.


Illusions (2015) 

anglais The film Amnesiac at times gives the impression that it's a sort of remake of Misery. Even though Kate Bosworth tries, she's not as demonic as Kathy Bates, who was incredible. Unfortunately, partly to blame is the screenplay, which is definitely not a strong point of this film, and after a while, you feel like it's just piling nonsense upon nonsense, and it doesn't entertain you.


From a House on Willow Street (2016) 

anglais The film From a House on Willow Street is somewhat of an attempt, and it's not a complete mistake. It could have been made into a film that could have been scary. There are scenes here that are very unpleasant and technically well-executed, especially those involving the tongue, but overall it still hovers around average, sometimes almost below average in the sense of how the creators shamefully wasted some opportunities to captivate the audience. This could have been so much better.


Hasta la vista (2011) 

anglais American Pie done a little differently. Instead of a group of horny young men, you have a group of three horny handicapped young men. Although it could be seen as an unnecessarily dramatic change, it was handled very well. The handicap is depicted as a certain obstacle, but also as something one can live with, and ultimately maybe even achieve the desired outcome for the first time.