The High Life



Welcome aboard Air Scotia - flying out of Scotland’s Prestwick Airport with the most useless cabin crew ever to push a drinks trolley... Effete narcissist Sebastian and sex-obsessed Steve are junior cabin crew. Sharp, bitchy and witty, they flounce up and down the aisles bringing passengers and crew down to earth with a bump, but always managing to keep those plastic smiles in place. Sebastian and Steve long for promotion to the delights of Air Scotia's long-haul service, but standing in their path is "Hitler-in-tights" chief-stewardess Shona. Meanwhile, imperilling their lives is deranged pilot, Captain Duff, who frequently needs to be reminded who he is, where the cockpit is and exactly where he is flying to. Featuring song and dance, fabulously bitchy quips, a little surrealism and some out-and-out childishness, The High Life delighted viewers with its mix of Scottish sensibility and camp outrageousness. Series highlights included the hilarious opening titles and theme song; Shona presenting the Air Scotia’s in-flight video; the Eurovision Song Contest entry "Pif Paf Pof (I Want To Have It Off)" and a gorgeously camp Batman spoof. (2 Entertain Video)
