

L’Académie privée Hachimitsu accueille pour la première fois des élèves garçons. Gackt, Shingo, Kiyoshi, Jô et André n’ont eu que très peu d’interactions, pour ne pas dire aucune, avec des filles. Mais dès leur premier jour, ces derniers vont faire des folies et se retrouver face au BDE clandestin, qui est un bureau des élèves, constitué uniquement de filles, créé pour faire respecter la loi. L’internat va vite se transformer en prison… au sens propre du terme. (ADN)


Critique de l’utilisateur·trice Jeoffrey pour cette série (1)

Prison School (2015) 

anglais The following review contains SPOILERS. So the very first episode is pretty hardcore. Some young boys start stalking girls; although these are not just any boys, these are perverts of the highest order. Putting a group like this in a girls' school is a really crazy idea, and what happens in this show is bound to be somewhat masochistic at the very least. Well, I guess it is sado/masochistic, and that is just the heel-licking scene. Plus, to make matters worse, in the second episode, they go even harder with the "golden shower" and that is still just the beginning. I consider this anime series and releasing a show like this in general to be quite a revolutionary step; I take it as pushing the boundaries of ecchi in a completely new direction that will teeter on the edge of poor taste for many people. Puritanical prudes will curse this work, and deviants or perhaps more open-minded people are going to jump for joy because it is fresh, original, and really powerful! If I, a person who criticizes stereotypes, especially boring tropes in the field of erotic anime series, gave this a bad rating, then I would "not be seeing past the end of my nose" and so on that principle alone, I cannot award less than three stars. Besides, I think I have already given some good reasons why it deserves three stars at least; however, I am going to add a few more. Besides being groundbreaking in the genre of erotic anime series, in my opinion, this show is also quite amusing. Sure, most of the time, the jokes are super dumb, almost like the movie "American Pie"; however, I do not mind that much. If I could give four stars to the movie Kevin & Perry Go Large (even though I saw it years ago when I was in my teens), I guess that says something about my approach to this kind of comedy, so even though I am embarrassed, I admit I found it entertaining. Another important aspect that I think is good is the characters. The main female protagonist is basically a normal hormone-ridden teenager (which is unique because ninety percent of current anime protagonists would die of nosebleeds in this setting, others would feel they had been wronged, and still others would try to start a revolution and overthrow the female leadership at school). However, there are a lot of complete perverts who are not just deviants but also have sensitive sides. In this anime series, they express that someone who likes sumo cannot be a bad person. I, for one, say you cannot be a bad person if you like ants. Most of the girls are also very interesting in principle. After the second episode, I thought that we would probably gradually learn why they are the way they are. Some theories are already coming to mind. For example, when I watch the relationship between the president and her father. Plus, I am becoming more and more interested in the developing yet very strange relationship between Hana and Kiyoshi, which is incredibly original for an anime series. On the one hand, it is creepy, and on the other hand, it is probably the most interesting "love story" I have ever seen. If I were to sum it up, I could basically understand everyone giving it five stars, although again, I am not going to join in. Awarding this show five stars would declare that I agree with all the insane stuff in the show and that I enjoyed it. However, I cannot say that I enjoyed everything, as some scenes are too extreme even for my taste, and I struggled to watch. So, I am going to declare myself narrow-minded and simply award this show four stars with the caveat that I am probably not going to award more than that, although, on the whole, it convinced me that it does not deserve less either because as I keep saying here, it is really unique. As for the second season, if there is one, I am going to watch it because I already know why the word "Medusa" appeared so often on the discussion boards, although I have no idea yet why "Uroboros" appears there. 8/10. () (moins) (plus)