
Détective privé à Los Angeles, Mike Church s’est spécialisé dans la recherche des personnes disparues. Un jour, le père supérieur de l’orphelinat où il a été élevé lui demande de découvrir l’identité d’une jeune amnésique qui s’est réfugiée dans son institution. La jeune femme est tourmentée par d’affreux cauchemars ayant trait à l’assassinat, dans les années 40, d’une brillante concertiste. (ESC Distribution)


Vidéo (1)


Critiques (3)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Kenneth Branagh directed a film that could be called Hitchcockian, both in terms of the tension that is palpable and built on a good script and in terms of the humor used, which is a pleasant seasoning. It works brilliantly until the end, where it almost has a touch of Italian giallo in its madness. It was a surprise to me. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais It tries to be more Hitchcockian than Hitchcock and De Palma combined, and I ate it up, including the romantic interludes (the scenes from the post-war period that were "bleached" later were the most enjoyable). On top of that, we get the eccentric antiquarian Jacobi and Williams from the self-service store, who confirmed his unique ability to switch between comedy and drama even in a small space. However, I believe that after the premiere, even Branagh himself exclaimed, much like one of Shakespeare's heroes on the battlefield of Bosworth: "Enough! A kingdom for an end where the characters won't fly in slow motion toward a sculpture of scissors!" ()



Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Dead Again is obviously an ambitious film directed by one of the most respected British film and theater creators, and as such, it is masterfully cast and competently acted. Kenneth Branagh was the life partner of Emma Thompson until their infamous divorce, and so the chemistry between the two main characters truly works. Unfortunately, the form clearly outweighs the content. The screenplay is overly complicated, with a tendency toward pathos, and Branagh fails to understand that today's era is more civilized than the Shakespearean one. Also, the mysterious content goes over my head and I don't really understand the reincarnation and playfulness with fate. The pathos is dominated by the theatrical bloody finale. Overall impression: 50%. ()

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