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Kidnappée, menacée et séquestrée, Jessica n'aura miraculeusement réussi à passer qu'un unique coup de fil. A l'autre bout : Ryan, un jeune homme qui menait une vie plutôt cool jusqu'à cet étrange appel sur son portable. Il ne connaît pas Jessica mais une chose est sûre : s'il raccroche, elle est perdue. Lui qui n'a rien d'un super-héros va se lancer dans une incroyable course contre la montre pour sauver celle qui n'est qu'une voix. Il n'a aucune idée des épreuves qui l'attendent. Plus que jamais, cet appel est vraiment une question de vie ou de mort... (Metropolitan FilmExport)


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Critiques (8)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

français Pas du tout un thriller sérieux et captivant. Plutôt une comédie facile avec beaucoup de clichés et des personnages semblables à ceux de films meilleurs et plus célèbres (le policier de Macy du "Falling Down" Duvallovho). Kim Basinger rien de spécial, Chris Evans seulement un beau gosse forcé à être dedans. D'un autre côté, si vous ne le prenez pas au sérieux, mais seulement comme une publicité dynamique de 100 minutes pour Nokia, vous vous amuserez. Bien sûr, pas autant que le producteur Dean Devlin après avoir signé un contrat avec elle. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Only exceptionally can you find such a textbook example of product placement in the film industry as this little film. However, I must admit that I didn't get bored at all by this excessive advertisement for NOKIA. The advantage of the film is its fast pace and reasonable duration. Although I am sensitive to a derivative screenplay and inconsistencies in the plot, in this case I did not mind these types of flaws. Basinger as the main star attracts attention about as much as my grandmother in her nightgown, but even that is not a hindrance. If you don't have high expectations, the film gives a decent chance for entertainment and represents a light genre above average. Overall impression 65%. ()



Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais At the beginning it was a crazy trip. In the introduction I thought that Chris Evans was making fun of me when he deliberately walked around shirtless and tried to seduce Jessica Biel with cheesy pick-up lines. She wasn’t buying it, so I felt like I was going to watch something similar to Beverly Hills 90210. Then we get to see Kim Basinger who has a problem, and at that moment the movie becomes a Nokia commercial. It was probably good at the time but today it’s pretty laughable considering where Nokia is today and what it could do in 2004 according to the movie. I had no idea about many of these functions until watching the movie but okay. Over time, the flick turns into a pretty good action movie with the best the genre has to offer. In the end I was surprisingly satisfied – which is something I didn’t really expect. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais The screenwriter of Phone Booth somewhat recycled his previous idea and routineer Ellis directed it. Loads of horrendous clichés, unimpressive acting performances and an unlikeable main protagonist make this picture really boring. Unfortunately not even the typically outstanding Macy or the usually cool Statham don’t have the change to rescue the picture from drowning in waters of mediocrity. An uninteresting picture that comes up with nothing new and even what we have seen a hundred times over is delivered in a form that is even worse than the competition. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais At first, I was quite scared about what Morgan, the debutant, had prepared for me in the script, because the main abduction happens before I even get a chance to settle down, and right from the beginning it presents an unbearably (and almost unwatchable) hysterical Kim Basinger and Chris Evans, who is trying to win back his ex-girlfriend. In the end, it turns out to be a mixture that alternates excellently built tension with logical lapses and adds a moderately high pile of clichés on top of it all. Fortunately, a likable character gradually emerges from the mess, so I had someone to cheer for, and thanks to Evans in particular, I have the impression of a better-than-average movie in Cellular. ()

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