Critiques (1)


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anglais Maybe I gave it one star more than Mirror deserves, but when I remember what Petr Nárožný did in it, I can't help it. In fact, I would say that here he more than brilliantly portrayed one of his best characters ever. Bohouš from Záběhlice, who at first appears to be an inconspicuous, uptight guardian of a kleptomaniac aunt, just waiting for an opportunity to stand out, is unreal. Just one big "Swedish" box, one chandelier and one hook ("Isn't that hook small?") and that's it. A series of disasters unfold, each of which Bohouš immediately sets out to solve, hoping that he is being watched closely by everyone so that he can put his powerful and extremely logical mind on display. He is able to invent a lie that denies a lie that denies another lie that denies the truth. He is able to excuse his slight mistake with an earthquake or the construction of a subway, and he has no problems getting his own family to sue him, because he is actually doing all this for their sake and fulfilling his own purpose in life in the process. Bohouš is a monster, next to whom all the aunts gradually filling the household of the young newlyweds look like tame sheep. Bohouš is incredibly adept at mentally abusing people. Bohouš is so damn smart that he's stupid. And yet he can still be likeable. Petr Nárožný made me laugh to tears several times, and I want thank him for that, at least through this comment. ()

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