

Alcia, un monde né après la grande guerre, ou « Guerre d'Élimination ». Ce monde est régi par la loi du plus fort, où les forts et les faibles sont déterminés par leur Compte. Licht, un homme masqué un peu pervers, qui protège les faibles avec son épée, va y faire la connaissance de Hina, une jeune fille droite et honnête partie à la recherche de l'As légendaire, afin de respecter les dernières volontés de sa mère. Leur rencontre va provoquer la révélation progressive des secrets de ce monde régi par les Comptes. (Crunchyroll)


Critique de l’utilisateur·trice Jeoffrey pour cette série (1)

Plunderer (2020) 

anglais The first two episodes of this season were released back in December 2019, including a short interview with the Japanese voice actors tagged onto the very end, and the first one had its official TV premiere today. Anyway, I watched both of them just in case to get a first impression. The idea with the numbers is great, I could not help but think of the movie In Time, as it has a similar certain sense of fated destiny too. However, in all honesty, that was probably the only thing that really caught my attention. I was not very impressed by the main female protagonist Hina, and I did not find the main male protagonist Licht any more appealing either. In the beginning, it felt like something that was quite cheesy, especially the sex jokes, such as also, for example, the special "Count" numbers placed in an extremely obvious way on the "interesting" parts of women’s bodies. That was just like a sleazy nod and a wink at its gentlemen audience, and I thought it was all very cringeworthy. It also reminded me of The Seven Deadly Sins, because the opening showing the search for a legendary warrior is quite similar. However, The Seven Deadly Sins had me captivated from the beginning with its playfulness - whereas this show was more tedious, cheesy, and lacking substance. Despite all that, the battles in the second episode save it a bit, it has some interesting scenes where Licht demonstrates his superhuman abilities and powers, and up until the final "air attack" I was even quite taking it in, as well as the ending of the second episode which hinted that there definitely was a lot more depth to the narrative, than it first appeared. However, on the whole, I did not find it engaged me in a way that made me keenly anticipate the next episode... or be curious about what would happen in the next installment... So that is the reason I am not going to watch any more of this show! Perhaps if I started reading some reviews about how groundbreaking this anime series is from someone whose judgment I trust, and they manage to talk me out of my present decision, I am going to review my opinion, however, at the moment, there is no chance. Dropped after the second episode and I am leaving it unrated. ()