Mies on Scene. Barcelona in Two Acts

  • Espagne Mies on scene: Barcelona en dos actos
Espagne, 2018, 57 min


Pep Martín, Xavi Campreciós


The functionalist pavilion from granite stands at the top of the Montjuic, away from the busy Barcelona life. Originally representing Germany at the international exhibition in 1929, the building invites tourists to stop and rest. At the first sight, the harmony between the interior and exterior is striking as much as the minimum of supporting walls and a number of interesting details. It only existed for eight months but paradoxically its image was always alive in the minds of generations of architects around the world, becoming one of their greatest influences. The pavilion’s history, legacy and subsequent reconstruction in 1986 is still surrounded by myths and mysteries that this documentary addresses. (Film a architektura)
