Robert BentonScénario:
Robert BentonPhotographie:
Néstor AlmendrosMusique:
John KanderActeurs·trices:
Roy Scheider, Meryl Streep, Jessica Tandy, Joe Grifasi, Sara Botsford, Josef Sommer, Frederikke Borge, Arne Glimcher, Larry Joshua, Randy Jurgensen (plus)VOD (1)
Psychiatre à Manhattan, Sam Rice jouit d'une grande renommée dans sa profession. Un beau jour, il reçoit la visite d'une jeune femme, Brooke Reynolds, qu'il connait déjà à travers les confessions d'un patient dont le cadavre vient d'être découvert dans sa voiture. Un meurtre. Si Rice se méfie d'abord de cette jeune femme mystérieuse que la police soupçonne d'être le tueur, il se laisse très vite séduire par son apparente vulnérabilité. Une attraction qui pourrait lui être fatale. (Potemkine Films)
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Critiques (3)
Considering the cast, I expected it to be a bit better, but I have to admit that it definitely didn't live up to expectations. In the end, it's a pretty normal thriller that will leave you guessing who's behind it until the end. Meryl Streep is adorable in the role and she and Roy make an interesting couple. ()
A horror-tinged crime thriller that tries to follow in the footsteps of Hitchcock's classic works. It has a decent script and, above all, a quality cast, with Meryl Streep bringing a refreshing touch thanks to her high level of acting professionalism, especially since she hasn't played many similar roles. Overall impression: 75%. Several scenes from the film are definitely memorable. ()
A pretty good thriller that will make you scared a couple of times. It’s far from Hitchcock, but comparisons be dammed, it has atmosphere, a mysterious villain and good actors. If you come across it, don’t hesitate. ()