

Ils s'apprécient, passent de bons moments ensemble, mais parfois ils se fâchent, pleurent ou sont blessés. Tous ces adolescents ont comme point commun d'avoir du mal à se dire « je t’aime ». Mais leurs histoires rappellent combien la jeunesse est un moment précieux, dont il faut profiter à chaque instant… (Crunchyroll)

Critique de l’utilisateur·trice Jeoffrey pour cette série (1)

Curezure Children (2017) 

anglais If someone had told me before the summer releases that one of the best things would have been this short romantic comedy with too many characters in the first episode for such a short anime series, I would never have believed them. However, it is true! Tsuredure Children is sweet, funny, enjoyable, and likable. There is probably a couple in the show for everyone to like and their love affairs. Personally speaking, I found Takuro Sugawara and Chizuru Takano the best, even though I also found the other couples interesting. I thought all of them were original and well-matched. If the chemistry works in a romantic comedy, you are able to believe in even the strangest of storylines and enjoy the characters' interactions with each other; then it is simply a winner. Everything works without the slightest problem in this show, and the humor makes it pleasantly light-hearted. The animation looks quite endearing, and even though it is pretty simple, in my opinion, it is not a bad thing; it serves its purpose, and it suits this likable rom-com. In other words, this is how I think a nice summer movie should be, where you can have fun and relax, even though it just did not seem enough in the end. 8.4/10. ()