
Flanqué d'un père alcoolique et d'une mère dépressive, le jeune Francie Brady se réfugie dans un monde secret, naïf, poétique et violent, peuplé d'Indiens et de cow-boys. Il passe le plus clair de son temps avec Joe, complice de ses jeux et de ses mauvais tours, dont les victimes favorites sont Mrs Nugent, hautaine voisine et son maladif rejeton. Sa solitude va s'aggraver à la mort de ses parents qui disparaitront l'un après l'autre jusqu'à donner à ses rêves et ses visions un caractère de plus en plus noir. (texte officiel du distributeur)


Critiques (1)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais At first I thought that this was going to be a nice Irish version of the movie Gentlemen Boys. I enjoyed the shots of the Irish town. The boy in the leading role was appropriately naughty. Everything was okay. At least until he began to annoy me with his shenanigans so much that even I would give him a thrashing. However, all his troubles were mixing with sad scenes, where I was probably supposed to cry for him but I was rather waiting where all this would lead. I understand that we have only one sound mind. The finale is a brutal massacre, Gentlemen Boys pale in comparison and in my entire life I’ve possibly never been more surprised. I don’t think I have seen such change and shock in one movie ever before. It fascinates me even more that somebody has decided to shoot this story, originally based on a book. Hats off to the director and to the boy in the leading role as well, as he also received a number of awards. That doesn’t surprise me in the slightest. ()

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