Zero Gravity

Canada, 2015, 52 min


With the International Space Station, mankind's ancient dream to leave our planet and conquer space has come true. European Space Agency astronaut Alexander Gerst and his NASA colleague Reid Wiseman launched in May 2014 from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. Gerst and Reid spent six months in humanity's outpost in space and over the course of their mission filmed many of their day to day activities, experiments and even their space walk.

The film offers rare access to Gerst and Wiseman while they trained at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston, ESA's Astronaut Centre in Cologne and the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. It also features incredible scenes the astronauts filmed themselves aboard the Soyuz and on the space station, which include stunning shots of Earth and some very unique views of life in orbit. (CBC Television)


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