San Francisco 2.0

États-Unis, 2015, 40 min


Alexandra Pelosi


San Francisco has long enjoyed its reputation as the counter-culture capital of America, drawing bohemians, mavericks, progressives and activists into its streets. With the onset of the digital Gold Rush, however, young members of the tech elite are flocking to the West Coast to make their fortunes, and the influx of new tech wealth is forcing San Francisco to reinvent itself. As these innovators lead America into the golden age of digital supremacy, are the techies changing the heart and soul of their adopted city? Acclaimed filmmaker Alexandra Pelosi returns to her hometown to find out what the tech boom has in store for this historically progressive city. Featuring interviews with top industry leaders, politicians and long-time residents fighting for their place in a city that may be leaving them behind, SAN FRANCISCO 2.0 is an insightful look at the price of progress, and the challenges of holding onto a collective past. (HBO Europe)
