

Naru Sekiya est une collégienne banale qui rêve de mener la vie des héroïnes des contes de fées dans lesquels elle se plonge à longueur de journée. Sa rencontre avec Hana, une nouvelle élève débordante d’énergie, pourrait bien être l’opportunité qu’elle attend depuis des années : cette dernière est en effet passionnée de yosakoi, une danse enjouée et dynamique qu’elle souhaite pratiquer avec Naru. (Crunchyroll)


Vidéo (3)

Bande-annonce 1

Critiques (1)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais I never enjoyed dancing, so I did not have much hope for this show. I only started watching it because it is a seinen anime series, and since I am slowly starting to become the target audience because of my age, I decided to give it a go. However, during the first episode, I realized it might not be too bad after all. The animation was appealing, and the girl Naru was quite nice, and well, when Hana appeared at the end, I have to say that her strange magical aura momentarily engulfed even me. The narrative started to develop over the next episodes, and Hana's crazy, lively character revealed itself. I slowly found that I was actually getting caught up and that I was slowly but surely starting to enjoy it, I was moved, and I quite enjoyed it. Suddenly I found the Yosakoi dance interesting, and even the problems between the girls hardly bothered me at all. I guess the downside was that some of the storylines were a bit too predictable, and it was still unnecessarily overly emotional at times, yet I enjoyed this anime series a lot. 7.5/10. ()

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