
Rosa supplie Jake de l'aider à annoncer une grande nouvelle à ses parents. La jeune femme appréhende leur réaction. Mais leur plan tombe à l'eau quand Julia et Oscar Diaz commencent à croire que les deux collègues et amis forment un couple... (Canal+)

Critiques (1)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice (pour cette série)

anglais Oh well, here we go again. Even in a comedy series, an LGBT episode cannot be missed, in which another issue of global significance will be endlessly discussed. I would recommend all modern sufferers to familiarize themselves thoroughly with how homosexuals were treated in the past. I doubt that the current fighters for their (and their own) rights have ever experienced, for example, a facility where their sexual orientation was forcibly changed. But that collective "we" of course entitles them to make grandiose statements, just as all black people suffered in slavery and all Jews went through the Holocaust. Out of anger, I'll just mention two examples, even though I really enjoyed Gina. // "I'm not a blackmailer. If you say yes, I'll reveal everything about you." ()

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