Sunrise/Sunset. Dalai Lama 14

  • Russie Dalai Lama: Rassvet/Zakat (plus)
Russie / Chine / Inde, 2008, 72 min


Vitaly Mansky


These are conventional 24 hours spent in the residence of the Dalai Lama XIV in Dharamshala (India) – starting from beginning of the Dalai Lama's day – that is 3 a.m. – until sunset, when the world leader of Buddhists secludes himself to have some sleep. These shots are exclusive. But it is here, in the private chambers of the Dalai Lama, that a documentalist Vitaly Manskiy was leading an informal conversation on the essence of the universe and the place of a man, and religion in general, and Buddhism in particular in a contemporary society.

It is this conversation that became the key for the last part of a documentary film Dawn/Sunset, when the authors are going from India to China on their way to Russia, when the subject of the conversation with Dalai Lama on world overpopulation, stratification of society, about ways to elude world conflicts and wars takes visual acknowledgment in a magical and bright way. (texte officiel du distributeur)
