
A Vinci, Californie, l'inspecteur Ray Velcoro enquête sur la disparition de Ben Caspere, conseiller municipal. Non loin, dans le comté de Ventura, l'inspectrice Ani Bezzerides mène une opération contre un réseau de prostitution. Paul Woodrugh, motard de la brigade autoroutière, est accusé d'abus sexuel... (Canal+)

Critiques (1)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice (pour cette série)

anglais Watching the first episode felt like riding a flea. The plot constantly jumped from character to character, and not only in space but also in time, so after twenty minutes I had no idea what the creators were trying to convey to me. On top of that, so many problems/crimes were thrown at me that I really didn't know until the final scene whether it would be about investigating a disappearance, abduction, pornography, rape, or corruption. Too chaotic and devoid of atmosphere. ()

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