Le Ruffian

  • Canada Le Ruffian (plus)

VOD (1)


Aldo travaille dans une mine d'or du Canada. Un jour de paye, une bande de pillards attaque la mine et extermine tous les mineurs à l'exception d'Aldo et de deux indiens. Aldo se débarrasse de ses comparses et part en canot sur le fleuve... (texte officiel du distributeur)

Critiques (1)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais At first it seemed to be a relaxing adventure film. Then a gritty modern western. Then suddenly a drama about a friendship between two men who may have done something to each other in the past. And then again a relaxing adventure film, which in the end it stayed with. It’s too bad about the screenplay, which did a very poor job with the storyline of the vengeful Indians (how Aldo was tracked down, etc., not to mention the ending), and it’s particularly unfortunate about the finale on the boat, which is so dramatic that it’s unintentionally ridiculous. All credit goes to Lino Ventura, who does not know how to act badly, to Master Morricone, of whom the same is true, to the whole "western" part, and to the portrayal of friendship, which was believable in every way (thanks again to Mr. V. and Mr. M.). ()

Photos (34)