
Directed by, co-written by and starring David Arquette, this classic horror movie revolves around a group of friends who escape to a modern-day Woodstock concert for a weekend of debauchery, only to be stalked by a homicidal maniac determined to finish what he started years earlier. (texte officiel du distributeur)

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Critiques (2)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Very weak. David Arquette didn't know what he wanted to shoot: satire, comedy, horror, or just a sick mix of all of them? If it wasn't for a few of the funnier scenes, it would have been pure agony. The actors salvage what they can, but are helpless against the dull, unimaginative direction. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais I can’t help it, I didn’t like this at all. This film isn’t scary, tense or funny. It’s a waste of time, that’s what it is. The characters are so unlikeable that they deserve even more brutal deaths, the killer in a Ronald Reagan mask has no charisma and the plot couldn’t be more predictable. 20% ()


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