
On dit de l'amour qu'il est aveugle. Parfois il peut aussi s'avérer mortel ! Louis est un riche marchand de café qui a décidé de prendre une américaine pour épouse. Mais lorsqu'il vient accueillir l'américaine Julia Russel au bateau, sa surprise est de taille : elle est plus splendide qu'il n'avait jamais osé l'imaginer. Fou de joie, il s'apprête à vivre une nouvelle vie en compagnie de sa délicieuse promise. Mais de surprises en étonnements, ce qu'il croyait être une torride histoire d'amour commence à prendre une inquiétante tournure... (texte officiel du distributeur)


Critiques (2)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Well, to be honest, it wasn't so bad that it could be compared to soap operas, which is not to say that it wasn't plot-wise so stupid and logically leaky. At the beginning it looked like a romantic flick, then there are some interesting twists and turns, and in the scene at the end I was cynically amused, its absurdity made me feel like I was watching a Monthy Python sketch, and the beautifully silly scene with the poison reminded me of Marysha and her coffee. I was cynically entertained and I can’t say I was disappointed. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais The boring and idiotic script, written by Michael Cristofer, was also directed by him. Boring and idiotic (or one could say, somewhat mischievously, that he did a good job). What is supposed to be surprising is vulgarly expected, what is supposed to build up is boring, what is supposed to be moving is awkward to the point of shame. And the bland pairing of Banderas and Jolie doesn't help the result either... It's not even below average, it's just plain bad. It is an hour and three-quarters of soap opera containing everything that is inherent in soap operas. I was only really interested in Terrence Blanchard's music. ()


Photos (17)