
Waring Hudsucker est le PDG de Hudsucker Industries, une entreprise florissante. Ce qui ne l'empêche pas de se suicider. Son conseil d'administration, mené par l'impitoyable Sidney Mussberger, met au point un plan pour récupérer le contrôle et empocher une somme importante : engager un parfait imbécile pour diriger la compagnie et la mener à la faillite. Mais une journaliste ambitieuse infiltre la société pour mettre à jour le complot... (Elephant Films)


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anglais The Coens and their comedy is a chapter in itself. We can love them, we can hate them, but they always come with something new, something fresh and crazier, something that can surprise both camps of fans again. The Hudsucker Proxy is probably their most popular comedy and I had a really good time with it, even though it's not the kind of film that makes you laugh out loud from beginning to end. A nice relaxed atmosphere runs through the whole story, which is built on its head and the absurdity doesn't drip out of it, but flows directly, and with the wacky character of Tim Robbins and the way the Coens decided to wrap up the plot (no spoilers!), it was definitely a hit this time. All this is crowned by great actors, led by the aforementioned Robbins, who is irresistible as the unsuspecting fool, and Paul Newman, who doesn’t know how to act bad. I was expecting some crazy bollocks, but what I got was crazy and smart entertainment. 75% ()


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