
The bitter film grotesque focuses on a Socialist Mafioso. Vágó, the enthusiastic young propagandist is put up at Apuka (Daddy) of the outskirts, Dávid. In the hands of Apuka everything becomes money and he skilfully avoids inspection and controls. In order to help his little family, he sells his rabbit husbandry as mutton, he practises usury on and blackmails his tenants, their rooms are operated as cigar stores. Vágó falls in love with Mari. The Dávid girl is fed up with the greediness of her father and marries the man of culture with pleasure. Upon learning the news Dávid dies of heart attack. The millions of legacy change Vágó: he bites on the dirty business even more keenly than his father-in-law used to do. The deceived Mari takes a terrible revenge. (texte officiel du distributeur)



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