
Après avoir passé son enfance en Afrique, Cady Heron atterrit un beau jour dans un lycée de l'Illinois, où elle découvre un univers encore plus exotique, plus mystérieux et plus dangereux que toutes les jungles: le monde des filles... Des cliques de lolitas branchées, friquées et assoiffées de pouvoir se disputent âprement ce terrain, où chaque jour est un combat pour être la fille la plus belle, la plus populaire et la plus prestigieuse. Au sommet de la hiérarchie: Regina George, leader du trio des "Plastiques". Les jeux de pouvoir n'ont plus de secret pour cette manipulatrice. Au premier coup d'oeil, elle voit en l'innocente Cady une rivale potentielle et se pose aussitôt en amie pour mieux la contrôler. C'est alors que Cady commet l'erreur fatale de tomber amoureuse du bel Aaron, l'ancien petit ami de Regina... (texte officiel du distributeur)


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Critiques (6)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais A mostly enjoyable made comedy outing with a likrable cast and more than one humorous scene that works best on first viewing, but I still like to come back to this film from time to time. The antics of the Damian-Janis duo, the endearingly awkward teacher played by Tina Fey, the obscure mother with Amy Poehler's face, the dead bride scene, the heartfelt confessions of wronged students, the various pranks against Regina, the Christmas pageant, etc., that's the list of funny sequences offered by this high school classic. At first glance, an average movie that, on the other hand, does not tire even with repeated tastes. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais The best movie of its kind. Funny and concise in character (with the exception of the boring beefcake), very well made and with an excellent cast; these girls are a joy to watch. Maybe my weakness for Rachel McAdams, Amanda Seyfried and Lindsay Lohan (before her private life caught up with her) plays its part, but I always enjoy watching Mean Girls and once I’m in the mood, I find it hard to take my eyes away. A cult-movie that is criminally underrated here. 85% ()



Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais When you like a teenage romantic comedy, admit it, don't be ashamed of your opinion and don't make excuses that it's a parody when it's not. Occasionally, there may be a sharper joke, but everything is ultimately resolved peacefully, so supporters of the genre can't argue against it. And even though Lindsay and Rachel look good in it, it doesn't change the fact that I've seen everything in various versions elsewhere and the script lacks any more original situation that would surprise. In this tiresome presentation, you can't rely on proven clichés. Tina Fey's clever humor still needed some polishing. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais It is indeed incredible bollocks, but quite entertaining and, in the current trend of similar comedies, more or less on point. Lindsay Lohan is charming and does have something special. The jokes and gags work well in most cases, and the few awkward scenes get lost. It's a pity about the ending, which unfortunately undermines the whole film. By the way, Lizzy Caplan delivers a completely brilliant performance in the role of the sassy Janis. In the current mainstream of transoceanic comedies, it could possibly be considered slightly above average, benefiting primarily from a relatively dynamic direction and restrained acting performances. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais The first hour is a seriously good teen comedy with no toilet humor and several gags that work. Unfortunately, afterwards it turns into something we’ve seen a thousand times already and so you quickly forget the impression it initially makes. But still, thanks to Lindsay Lohan who doubtlessly has a little comic talent, it is watchable without being any health hazard. ()

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