
Ben, ecrivain new-yorkais, se rend a Savannah pour rejoindre sa future femme, Bridget. Dans l'avion, il fait la connaissance d'une jeune femme excentrique, Sarah. Ensemble, ils vont subir toutes sortes d'aventures et de catastrophes: accident d'avion, imposture, vol, strip-tease, ouragan... A travers cette aventure picaresque, Ben va remettre en question sa vie et son mariage. (AB International Distribution)


Critiques (2)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais A nice little film that won't offend anyone and I certainly wasn't bored. Affleck is exceptionally good, which unfortunately can’t be said about Sandra Bullock. I could imagine a dozen better actresses in her place as the "element". ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais If Marc Lawrence knew what he wanted to say with his screenplay, "The Ugly Truth" could have been a successful natural disaster romance. Instead, this classic romantic comedy turns into an average conversation and, in the end, incomprehensible drama flirts with mental rejuvenation. As a result, it becomes a tale of relationships and encounters throughout the four seasons, but ironically, because it is all dependent on two main characters, it doesn't have a chance to satisfy anyone. ()