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angel74La Chaîne(1958) 

An amazing film that I have seen countless times in my youth and I literally devoured the story of the two men fleeing from the law. It's almost unbelievable how little the ravages of time have affected this film, and… (Plus)

MarigoldLes Sentiers de la gloire(1957) 

The theme is strong, dramatic and realized in the script without unnecessary loopholes, but perhaps with an overly explicit pathos of justice in some moments (however, I do not deny that in this respect I could have… (Plus)

lampsLes Sentiers de la gloire(1957) 

A strong theme crowned with an excellent and straightforward script, a great performance by Kirk Douglas and, of course, amazing direction by the master of masters, which can cause the kind of emotional impact that we… (Plus)

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