Prime Video - Services de streaming (VOD)

Prime Video

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OthelloLa Chair et le sang(1985) 

Historical postmodernism that may have set out to de-romanticize and de-mythicize the early modern period, but it did so with such a zeal that it simply exploited it. There's nothing wrong with that, except that… (Plus)

JFLAmerican Warrior(1985) 

Today, you just have to shake your head at the fact that this exercise in futility with horribly wretched action scenes could become a hit and a much-lauded classic of pirate video distribution in Czechoslovakia. On the… (Plus)

MarigoldLes Sentiers de la gloire(1957) 

The theme is strong, dramatic and realized in the script without unnecessary loopholes, but perhaps with an overly explicit pathos of justice in some moments (however, I do not deny that in this respect I could have… (Plus)

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