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Les meilleurs films en VOD



NecrotongueOutlaw King : Le roi hors-la-loi(2018) 

I did expect the film to be much worse. I thought the creators would twist historical facts to suit their needs, and they did, but unlike in Braveheart, I wasn't flooded by pathos. The main character didn’t usurp all… (Plus)

claudelLes Chroniques de Noël(2018) 

Encore un film moyen de Netflix taillé pour la période de Noël – ni passionnant ni repoussant –, néanmoins certains passages vous prennent par les sentiments. J'ai l'impression que Kurt Russell a pris beaucoup de… (Plus)

lampsOutlaw King : Le roi hors-la-loi(2018) 

Despite the production values and its ambitions, Outlaw King is very sloppy. The final two-hour cut consists of mechanically connected scenes that by the most part lack any development or initiative of their own that… (Plus)