Disney+ - Services de streaming (VOD)


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disponible à partir du 28/06/2015
disponible à partir du 26/06/2015




Probably the funniest Marvel movie to date. The absolutely incredible Michael Peña steals every scene, even if he’s just passing through. A classic structure of the birth of a hero clad with original ideas and it’s fun.… (Plus)


Marvel saves the world for the thirty-sixth time, in the same story template, just by slightly different means and with more jokes. And that’s what they want to keep serving us for the next years. There’s nothing wrong… (Plus)

kaylinLa Face cachée de Margo(2015) 

A nice film about all that can happen when you fall in love. These coming-of-age films, especially those about leaving high school, are quite rewarding, partly because they are usually very good. This one's definitely… (Plus)