Disney+ - Services de streaming (VOD)


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IsherwoodHitman : Agent 47(2015) Boo !

Once upon a time, someone in Hollywood makes a major decision one day that screws up a legendary franchise. Everyone is holding their heads, from the audience to the angry investors, so he decides to make another one… (Plus)


Les Français n’arrêtent pas de nous rappeler qu’ils sont doués dans tous les genres de films. Et dans certains, ils sont juste excellents et imbattables. C’est le cas notamment des polars aux histoires impitoyables. Le… (Plus)

MalarkeyHitman : Agent 47(2015) 

This movie wants to be close to the game itself, but then Hitman is played by an actor with the longest “hair” on his head (that Agent 47 ever had) and with the charisma of a hamster in a nightgown.