Apple TV+ - Services de streaming (VOD)

Apple TV+

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Les meilleurs films en VOD


StanislausNosferatu le vampire(1922) 

If I compare Nosferatu and its genre and artistic similarity to The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, I like the former a bit better, which together with The Cabinet represents the top works of German Expressionism in film. I'm… (Plus)

NinadeLLe Cuirassé Potemkine(1925) 

The story of the mutiny on the Battleship Potemkin is fatally simple. First off, the crew rejects the rotten, worm-infested meat, whereupon they are advised to consume this gastronomic delicacy after rinsing it in… (Plus)

MarigoldNosferatu le vampire(1922) 

A love of black-and-white images that whisper their bizarre messages and prophecy into the quiet. The twisted world of the maniac Caligari and the creeping threat of the vampire Nosferatu. Undoubtedly the most… (Plus)

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