Les plus visionnés genres / types / origines

  • Drame
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  • Documentaire
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Critiques (1 115)


Les Stagiaires (2013) 

anglais A pretty good light-hearted film, which fortunately doesn't rely too much on vulgar and tasteless humor like many contemporary American comedy films. The premise is a bit far-fetched and largely unrealistic, and there are a few downright awkward moments, but I had a good time through most of it. The very good soundtrack also contributed to the relaxing atmosphere. (60%)


Shorta (2020) 

anglais This is probably what a brilliantly shot and acted film about the pressing problems of contemporary society should be, drawing attention to a corrupt morality where good and evil cannot be clearly defined. This is a very similar theme to the one explored in Les Misérables, but I get the nagging feeling that Enforcement is superior to the French film in many ways. The plot of this film, concerning the death of a dark-skinned young man after the brutal intervention of the guards, which leads to the outbreak of riots in the Copenhagen ghetto, seems much more realistic to me. Mostly, however, I felt as if I was in that impasse with the two policemen myself, and to tell you the truth, it didn't make me feel good at all. Moreover, I was almost constantly tense to the point of bursting regarding how it would all turn out. The final denouement surprised me. I have to say that it didn't disappoint me in the least, quite the contrary. (90%)


Downton Abbey - Season 6 (2015) (saison) 

anglais For the vast majority of the time, I enjoyed the final season of Downton Abbey at least as much as the first four seasons. But then there was the last episode, in which the fates of all the characters were handled in the style of the most clichéd soap opera. I simply have to take this fact into account in my review, although I hate to because it degrades the overall impact of this otherwise magnificent narrative saga. (65%)


La French (2014) 

anglais The filmmakers did well to make this movie inspired by a true story from the mafia environment in the style of the good old French crime dramas, and they managed to create the right atmosphere largely through the excellent choice of music. I have no complaints about the cast either, they were all great. However, overall, it could have been a little more tense. (75%)


Un grand voyage vers la nuit (2018) 

anglais "Since we were discovered, I've often worried about those going into space. They must be so tired if they can't lean in any position." +++ "How can you just give people sparklers?" - "What can't I?" - "Sparklers are a symbol of impermanence." - "And we're not impermanent?" +++ "Have you counted the stars in the sky? They are like little birds swooping down like paratroopers forever through my chest." +++ A film like this is a typical example of a work that one viewing is not enough to fully understand. It is certainly a unique cinematic experience, but one that may not suit everyone. However, I will gladly recommend this mysterious Chinese story with a love and detective plot, pleasantly spiced up with dreamlike poetry and ethereally beautiful music, to all the more thoughtful individuals. (80%)


Salyut 7 (2017) 

anglais Visually, Salyut 7 was made very well. I also liked the narrative style supported by the appropriate musical accompaniment. It was really suspenseful at times, subtly touching, and also a bit funny. However, I would expect the Russians to avoid having an American-style ending. (75%)


The House (2017) 

anglais The theme had the potential for a good comedy, but then the filmmakers somehow got out of hand and made it into a vulgar tale with too much screaming that overseas productions churn out constantly. The mass production that the market demands. But I'm probably not the right target audience. I at least have a positive opinion of the soundtrack, which suits the plot quite well, but I wasn’t blown away by it either. (35%)


L'Ombre de Staline (2019) 

anglais James Norton did a good job in the title role of this biographical drama, and I must admit that he was very believable, especially in the moments when he experienced human cruelty in its most raw form. What is most frightening about the story of British journalist of Welsh descent Gareth Jones is that it actually happened... One could use the motto: "Truth wins!" But when and where? It did not win then in Stalinist Moscow, let alone in Ukraine during the famine, and it is not winning today. And unfortunately, to our great misfortune, we do not need to go into the past to see this. Agnieszka Holland has my great admiration and sympathy for the topics she chooses and how she can convey them to those who will listen. (80%)


L'Affaire Kim Wall (2020) (série) 

anglais "Maybe it's just that the more civilized we become, the more need we have to look into the darkness." - "Everything is black and white. But even if the colors are gone at night, they are still out there somewhere. We just can't see them until the sun shines again." +++ This crime is so unusual and utterly depraved that it was enough for the creators of the series to focus on the long vicissitudes involved in its investigation and the subsequent proof of the defendant's guilt, without the viewer ever having the opportunity to see the killer. I would never have believed that a similar concept could work, but Tobias Lindholm misled me almost perfectly. I also have to praise Søren Malling as the main investigator Jens Moller, whose civil approach to the role enhanced the authenticity of the narrative. (85%)


Classic Albums: Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers - Damn the Torpedoes (2010) (téléfilm) 

anglais The documentary highlights Tom Petty's musical talents, giving full space to his unmistakable voice spiced with animalistic energy and his very distinctive band, The Heartbreakers. After all, this great combination left an indelible mark in the history of the world of rock. This very nicely crafted film gives a glimpse into the creative workshop of a group of talented musicians. (80%)